My Stories

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SN: Oh lookie here, this is a great way to start off for not publishing anything up here in months. Let's get it straight I love most of my stories ideas, but my writing sucks. I've gotten better, but then you read someone else's story and look at your own. This is usually the first thing that goes through my mind.


It usually brings me way down about my writing and hell I think anyone who reads my story actually hates it. Then I start judging everything about the damn story. It's a pain in the ass on all levels, but hey I've adjusted pretty well.

Me: Pass me the ice cream! *punching phone and sulking*
Friend: *catches fist and pats head*
Me: *Yelling random things*
Friend: Let it all out, remember why you started writing in the first place?
Me internally: No.
Me externally: I guess.

And it's an endless cycle of my friend being the awesome person she is and a part of me dying. I'm out and Sergeant wants you to stay more epic than me. Obey your Sergeant.

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