Chapter 1 - You Were Intended

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At some point in our lives, some of us might have thought: "Do I really have a purpose?", or we might have questioned our parents "Why did you conceive me?", or said to ourselves "I shouldn't go on with my life, I'll only hurt others and hurt myself.", we are being persuaded everyday that we were an accident. An accident is a phenomenon or an event whereas it wasn't intended to be. This gives us the idea that we might never fulfil the purpose we were made for, and it blurs the hope that we have to change.

The bible however tells us otherwise, from the creation of everything:
Adam and Eve was made for a purpose (Genesis 1:28 NIV
God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground. ”)
Abram was sent to Canaan for a reason (Genesis 12:1 NIV
The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you.)
Joseph was slaughtered for a reason (Genesis 45:5 NIV
And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.)
Moses, Joshua, Gideon Job, Jonah, Daniel, The Prophets, Christ, the Apostles, their stories were all written and compiled by Holy Spirit in the bible to show us that each and every soul was made for a purpose, a greater purpose, and even these bible characters were slightly convinced the other way around, at some point, even they went through that situation where they went looking for their purpose, or they might have ran from their purpose, Noah might have felt confused why the Lord told him to build an ark on land in a hot season, Abraham might have questioned in his heart why that place or why Isaac, Joseph might have felt weary in his situation, Job wondered why his anguish was necessary, Jonah ran from the Lord, even Christ asked the Father if he could take the pain away, and even Peter denied his best friend to save his own life, these examples only depict our tendency to move farther from our purpose, our tendencies to be convinced that we were an accident, yet God tells us "NO, YOU ARE NOT AN ACCIDENT", through his words we can see that we are all called for a Greater Purpose, and it is not limited for this who are capable only, it applies to each and every one of us, big or small, smart or thin, rich or poor, whether you like it or not, we were all made for One Purpose, as questionable as it is, we may not yet know what it really is, but I am here to help you, not to tell you what it is, but to point the way, where to find it. The bottom line is, God calls all of us, you might be in a confusing situation; what to do with all these blessings, or you might be in a hopeless one; how do I get out of poverty, peer pressure, slavery, our purpose may not be known yet, but God who created us, knows us very well, and reveals His purpose for us in the Bible, I can tell you that you can seek your purpose, in no other book, but the bible. Take time daily to seek Him, (Matt. 6:33), give devotion to it, be passionate about it. Whether we like it or not, it will always be God's plans and purpose that prevails, and God has his purpose for us revealed in the center of the bible.

There is a quote "Everything happens for a reason.", and i agree to it, every bit of pain, every bit of failure, every tiny bit of victory is aligned to The Greater Purpose, God has planned for the greater good of His Kingdom, therefore i encourage you all fellow readers (or should I say "seekers"), don't give up, persevere in fire, stand strong in trials, defend your castles, stand your ground, seek His words everyday, discover your purpose through the bible, encourage, grow, live, love, die for God, for in the end, true joy and satisfaction is credited to those who discover their true meaning and purpose, you are not an accident, God made you exactly who you are right now, for a reason, there is a reason why you have 80,572 strands of hair right now, a reason why your skin is white, or dark, a reason why you are given eyes, ears, why you could play the guitar, piano, a reason why you are able to imprint your friend's face on a paper, whatever it may be, question all you can, you will always have a purpose regardless of how you feel, how you look like, how you do things, or how you think.

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