Chapter 3 - Why Me

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This is one question of the majority, most of us probably grew up to hold back, with low self esteem, probably someone weak, or you need something to improve in, well despite all that, God calls you to his greater purpose now, of all people, he chose you to be a warrior for his battle, an ambassador for His nation, a commissioner for His purpose, of all possibly better, stronger, smarter, healthier, good looking, greater warriors around the world, he chooses you. Is it something about you He loves? Or do you have something He wants so badly? Well He has proven that by dying on the cross thinking of you, by suffering the crown of thorns with you in His very thought, He loves you so badly that He was willing to go through everything just to have you back, and join His army.

Can you name a hero in the bible who hadn't any weaknesses at all? Moses murdered, Gideon was a coward, Jonah ran, Peter denied Christ, Paul persecuted the church. As you venture the word of God you discover that each and every hero displayed a sign of weakness, but regardless, it was God who said "I will take care of it". You see, this is what makes the bible so special, each and every one of the hero were all compelled greatly by the love of God, it was not them, it was God who used them powerfully to display heroic acts of courage, bravery, passion, power, and greatness, the one reason, they all fulfilled their purposes because they were compelled by love.

"Why is this true? Why me? What's so special about me?" Well the answer is; its not us, its Him, there is something special in His heart that compels Him to love us despite how we hurt him, regardless of the weight of our sin that Jesus His son carried on the way to Calvary, its His awesome faith, His unfailing and unending love, His amazing grace that allows our worthless, undeserving souls to be something so valuable he holds so dearly in His heart, that he would give up His beloved son for us.
Ephesians 2:8 NIV
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.

This is the powerful message of the gospel, that reveals our true purpose. The Cross was the greatest expression of God's love for us. It depicts his unending mercy and grace for in spite of our sinful nature, our fall shorts, we can only ask,"Who are we that we are so special to you O Lord? Who are we that you are so mindful of us?".

Psalm 8:3-4 NIV
"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?"

It all comes down to His purpose, now we are called for greatness, we are called to be like Him, to share this very message of hope and love to the ends of the earth, to know Him and make Him known. Yes, of all the billions of people around the world, he chose you, it doesn't and will never matter who you are or how you look like, you are called right now to be His ambassador, you have heard and received His grace, now you are chosen to share it as well.

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