The 34th Floor - Chapter 20 - Noah

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 Author's Note:

My apologies everyone. This certainly isn't the best chapter and it sounds more like a filler chapter, but I put it here to show the twist I have created for Grace. I actually really don't like writing for this story anymore because it's not going as I had planned for it like a year ago, but I'm trying to stay strong and continueing it. There are still many more chapters to come and I'm going to attempt to stop adding so many fillers just so its more action packed and quick.

Enjoy this update and I hope everyone reads, comments, and votes. [=

The 34th Floor

Chapter 20:


The minute I made a run for it down that hallway, my heart picked up and started to pound against my chest. Every step I took escalated the beat of my heart until it was at its peak. The moving of my body, the anxiousness to reach Grace, the fear of getting hurt all mixed into one, propelling me forward.

As I swiveled my way back to where I had the nerve to leave someone I possibly had taken a liking to, my heart ached and the guilt didn’t fail to pain me. My footsteps carried me far down the ominous hallways that had somehow turned ten shades darker.

My breathing became ragged and my limbs became weak, but the idea of leaving a girl who was ten times weaker behind, pushed me to go further in which I used the walls to guide me.

Her pretty face didn’t fail to cross my mind. It pained me to remember the way her tan complexion had gone pasty white at the sight of those spiders. Those lively blue eyes that had put me in a trance the minute my eyes fell on them.  The way her pink luscious lips drew me forward and had molded with mine in that one room. Her beauty enticed me and I knew I had fallen too deep and wouldn’t be able to stop loving her not now, not ever.

I gulped hard when the hallway came to an end. I braced myself of what lied before me as I took the fifteen or so steps more. I was a bit afraid to see if the rocks had pummeled Grace to the ground, but at the same time I was afraid she was still alive ready to murder me for abandoning her. My thoughts were cut short at the sound of an ear-piercing scream that rattled the doors and shook the ground. It was a mighty scream of a fearful girl and although it had barely stopped echoing, I knew who it belonged to.

The pulse in my head began to throb and the pounding in my heart became rapid. My eyes searched every inch of the place around me until they landed on the grainy cement door. Maneuvering my way around the large rocks, I came to a halt in front of the door and laid my ear against it. I could hear the deep breathing of a person and the chattering of teeth. Realizing that it could possibly be Grace, seeing as her body was no longer wedged in between the rocks, I began to pound loudly against the door.

“Open up!” I shouted, my voice quivering for a second.

“Please open this door up!” I tried again, hoping Grace would recognize my voice and open up the door.

“No, go away,” a murmur came from the other side.

I was taken aback by the girl’s response that for a second I stumbled back from the door. I shook my head and regained confidence as I stared at the door separating Grace and me.

“I will not until you open this door!” I stubbornly shouted, stomping my feet childishly.

“I can’t.” Her reply was a soft one in which half of it was came out shaky and fearful.

“Grace,” I sighed.

“I…I know you’re disappointed and mad at me for leaving you behind like this, but you…you have to open this door. I…I came back for you and you can’t separate yourself from me like this.” I didn’t need a mirror to show me that my face was twisted in between hurt and guilt.

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