The 34th Floor - Chapter 27 - Grace

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Author's Note:

It was about to be a month since my last update so I went ahead and finished off this chapter. Though I doubt anyone reads this, I'm warning you that the next couple of chapters are just fill-in chapters because the real mystery and suspense needs to start on Cade's or Rachel's P.O.V and I still have Grace and Noah's P.O.V to skip over until I get there. So Romance-Haters and Romance-Lovers, expect more love in the next chapter, not that it's going to be anything intense. Hopefully, Cade's chapter is going to be a better one. >=] Thank you to all my new fans. I have been getting a lot lately (not like six a day or anything, but at least one and I'm happy) and wanted to send my appreciation to all of them.

This chapter is dedicated to Katelyn, my newest fan. This goes out to her patience. Hopefully, you like this chapter, Katelyn as well as everyone else who reads it. [=

The 34th Floor

Chapter 27:


I slid down against one of the many wooden cabinets in the kitchen, my shoulders feeling lighter and my heart much more content. Admitting my ludicrous and absurd idea to Noah had my nerves at rest and my cheeks abundant with color. Even I had to say that it was foolish in trying to hide my memory for I vividly remembered the way my skin erupted with tingles as he slightly grazed the skin on his arm against mine, I remembered the way at one glance with those mesmerizing hazel eyes he had me wilting the other direction, I remembered every single moment that I had shared with him and a part of me knew I would never forget it if I left this place alive.

I heaved a sigh before reaching out to slide a hand over my bottom lip. That kiss, I thought, has me already yearning for more after I tried so foolishly to let go of it all.

Through my long brown hair, I could see Noah standing in the opposite side of the kitchen, leaning against the kitchen island with his back to me ever so slightly whispering a comment here or too to Cade.

Rachel, on the other hand, was still situated near the stove, mesmerized by an account of an old man, much to our surprise. Her eyes had not strayed from the wrinkled pages of an old leather-bound diary.

“Whatever happened to the can of peas you found?” I questioned, my stomach tightening from the hunger I had failed to quench for so long.

“I left them somewhere on the counter,” she stated, gesturing at some place while never removing her eyes from the book in her hand.

Sighing loudly, I pushed myself off the ground and ambled my way next to the rusted sink where the peas were situated.

“A stupid page of this book is torn out!” Rachel shouted, flipping furiously around in the diary as if searching for a possible place that the page might be tucked inside of.

“If it’s so stupid, then it won’t matter, now will it?” Noah asked, pink lips curved into a smug grin.

I stifled a laugh at how calm everyone was while Rachel was panicking. “You guys don’t understand. A page is missing!”

“Oh, we heard you clearly,” I called over my shoulder as I attempted to pull open the lid on the can of peas.

Rachel gasped whilst narrowing her eyes at the half-alive and half-dead man cowering in the cabinet across from her. “That troll over there probably ate it,” Rachel accused, motioning at the bloody being.

“What? A troll? He doesn’t even have any hair,” Cade said, staring at Lee, who was still struggling inside of the cabinet.

“So? He could be a hairless troll.”

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