Phone Sex Part 1

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Spencer woke up on the floor. She had had a horrific nightmare. Without thinking she called Toby as she got back into bed. It rang five times before he answered.

"Spence baby?" He asked with a yawn.

"Hey" she whispered quietly

"I had a bad dream" she said like a little girl.

"Oh baby I wish I was there" he said in a low sexy voice "I'd kiss your head and rub your back"

"Oh baby, I miss you so much" she said almost absentmindedly slipping her hand into her panties. After a few minutes of stroking herself Spencer was panting into the phone.

"Are you doing what I think you're doing?" Toby asked already aroused.

"Yes!" She said trying to stifle her cries as she felt herself blush. Spencer heard heavy breathing on the other end.

"We're going to do this together" Toby said hotly. Spencer didn't know how to respond.

"Your pussy feels so good, don't you think your pussy feels good?" Toby started the dirty talk Spencer would never admit to loving.

"Does your hand feel as good as my pussy, because my fingers don't feel as good as your dick" Spencer said because she knew how much her saying "dick" turned him on.

"Oh you want my dick, don't you baby?" He said teasingly

"I'm desperate for it" she begged

"Desperate for what?" Toby asked with mock innocence

"I'm desperate for your dick" she breathed

"Im gonna give it to you over and over again when I get back." He said breathing hard.

"Oh Toby!" She cried

"Make yourself cum baby I can hear how close you are" Toby said egging her on.

Spencer flipped over onto her stomach as she rode her fingers. Her body needed to orgasm. She moaned and grunted into the phone knowing he was going to town on himself too.

"I want your dick, oh your dick would feel so much better" she cried. She moaned and panted as she finally orgasmed.

"God that felt good" she panted. "Thank you"

She hung up the phone and quickly rolled over faking being asleep as her mom opened her door.

"Spencer? Honey?" She called into the room. There was a time when her remaining immobile would have been enough but in light of everything her mom still wanted assurance. She crept into her room

"Spence?" She whispered

"Mommy?" she tried her best at a sleepy mumble.

She leaned down to kiss her temple. She pulled back putting a hand on her forehead.

"You're covered in sweat!" She said shocked.

"Uh yeah" she said wiping off her head "I had a bad dream"

"Do you want me to lay down with you until you fall back asleep?" She offered.

"No, I called Toby, he sang to me, I'm better now" she assured

"You called Toby at 3 in the morning?" She said her eyes getting big.

"Yeah, he loves me mom, he doesn't care" Spencer said getting annoyed.

"He's so good to you" she said with a smile. "Goodnight"

Spencer smiled if only her mom knew how good. She closed her eyes as she eased back into sleep.

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