Boiling Point

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A slam echoes through the house as a man is pinned to the wall, tears cascading down his pale cheeks. He pushes lightly on the other man's chest, hoping to give himself room to escape.


Jack whimpers, looking away from his boyfriends blazing eyes, the very same brown orbs that used to hold so much love and light now only showed anger, and a desire for power.


Slap. Punch. Kick.

"P-please babe -OOF- I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to.. I fell behind on videos I-I didn't have any more -ah- b-backups..." Jack gasped in pain, doubling over at a kick to his stomach.

"Whatever." His assailant sighed, turning on his heel and waltzing to his- our - bedroom. "Come to bed, babe. Unless you want to call your stupid friends first. I don't care." He slams the door, leaving Jack shaking like a leaf. Jack stands up quickly, having to pause as he sways on his feet. Confident he can walk without falling, Jack made his way to his recording room.

Jack sits gently in the chair, and prepares to call Mark when he glances at his reflection and sees his black eye and the blood dripping steadily from his nose. Jack sighs, pulling out his all too well prepared "Hiding my Bruises" kit. He picks up concealer, wincing as he applies it on the tender skin,  but nevertheless assuring he covered the spot in its entirety. Next he picks up a tissue, wetting it with a little water, and wipes off his blood. Finally, he tidies up his clothing, to look unrustled, and puts away his kit before taking a deep breath and pressing 'call'.


Marks goofy grin makes Jack's heart swell. What a goofball..

"Hey Markimoo!! What's up, goober doober?" Jack asks, putting on a thin smile.

"Nothing much Jackarooniepoo! You?" Mark puts his head on his hands in a 'Oh do tell~' type of way, and Jack laughs.

"Oh, I've just been-"

Just then a slam startles Jack out of his happy stupor, and causing Mark to adopt a look of confusion.

"What the fuck babe its been like an hour you can't be that interesting" he states, glancing at Mark passively "O-oh, sorry babe, uhh, I was just saying goodbye. B-bye Mark." Jack waved stiffly and ended the call, not once looking up to see Mark's shocked and sad expression.

Jack turns slowly, already wincing as his boyfriend raises a fist. Jack yelps as the fist connects with his already bruised eye.

"Come on babe. I'm horny." At that he grabs Jack by the wrist, grinning evilly at the whimper he hears from the small man behind him. This was gonna be fun.

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