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Mark awakes a few minutes before his alarm, and stares at the ceiling. Am I really gonna do this? He runs his hand through his red fringe. Of course I am. He's my friend, stupid. Mark sits up abruptly, rubbing his eyes, and heads to the washroom.

Jack startles awake, his dream fading quickly, but the feeling it gave him sticking to him like his clothes. He shivers, making no effort to move from his couch. He closes his eyes, and faintly feels his stomach growl.

Mark exits his home, suitcase in tow, and hails a taxi. Hopping in, he strikes up friendly conversation with the driver while he rides to the airport. Once he's there, the driver refuses payment, saying a kind man like him needs to keep his money. Mark smiles at this, wishing the man a good day, and enters the airport.

Jack isn't sure whether he's asleep or awake. Not that he cares much. He eventually gets up and tries to eat breakfast, but nothing looks appealing. YouTube it is then. Jack walks upstairs slowly, wobbling due to lack of food. He makes it up there though, and records a quick happy wheels video and leans back as it uploads. He drifts to sleep shortly after.

Mark hated planes. But this was important. And now, he was hundreds of miles in the air, heading to help his buddy. He smiles softly, most likely confusing the middle aged woman in the seat next to him, and he tries to get some sleep.

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