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Mark presses the call button again, running his fingers through his hair worridley. Was Jack OK? Mark bites his lip and decides to press call one last time before heading to sleep for the night. Mark almost didn't notice that Jack had answered, until a slow "M-Mark?" Came through his speakers.

"Jack! Oh my god are you OK??"

Jack averts his eyes, nodding slightly at Marks question.

"Yeah. M' fine. H-how are you?"

Mark is taken aback by this. How is he? How is he. Mark opens his mouth to speak, but promptly closes it again when Jacks eyes meet his for the first time. Jack tries to smile, his cheekbones all too prominent, and his eye still shadowed by the bruises.

Marks eyes widen, and he blurts out
"Jack. What the FUCK."

Jack winces, looking away again. "S-sorry" he whimpers, tears rimming his eyes.

Mark gasps, realizing what he's done "Shit Jack no its OK I'm sorry I yelled." Mark leans back in his chair, running his fingers though his hair.

"Jack.. Listen. Just tell me what's going on! I'm your friend, you can trust me."

Jack let's a tear fall, wiping it harshly with a sleeved arm. He looks up at Mark, his concern evident in his face. Jack sighs, his breath hitching slightly.

"Mark... I can't. I-i can't tell you I'm sorry" Jacks eyes fill with tears again, and he hides his face.

Mark looks like he's about to cry too, but out of anger. He swiftly hangs up on Jack, unable to handle seeing him cry anymore, and he books the fastest tickets to Ireland he can buy.

On the other side of the screen, Jack is staring numbly at his desktop background, scratching at his wrists.

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