Lacking Focus

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The sun peeks through the blinds, one of the few sunny days in Gotham, the giant comforter on me is to warm to get out of but I couldn't fall back asleep, even though this was the first time I've sleep in a bed in 5 months since I was kicked out of my apartment, it felt amazing. But I forced myself out, Alfred brought me a pair of clothes until we went to buy some, I take off my old clothes and put on a pair of black sweat pants and a white tank top. The only girl clothes they had. But I won't complain, I'm still processing last night, honestly I'm glad that gang attacked me. Other wise I'd be digging out of dumpsters again. I took a shower last night so, I put my hair up into a messy bun and left the room.
As I walk into the kitchen I see Alfred cooking something and Damian sitting on a chair telling him what to do. "Master Wayne, I do believe I know how to cook Pancakes." "Just making sure." Damian says. Alfred looks up and sees me, "Good morning Madame, how was your sleep?", I give a small laugh "a lot better then a park bench.". He smiles "Good, what would you like for breakfast?" "Anything, what ever is convenient for you." I reply, Alfred stops mixing the pancake mix and looks like he is about to laugh but instead he turns to Damian "Why can't you be more like her?" He asks.

"When you are fighting, the biggest key is to be balanced
At all times," Bruce preaches as I wobble on a beam he has set up, "Focus on your breathing.".
I close my eyes and breath in and out, taking a step foreword I open my eyes. I walk
Across the beam slowly, I make it. "Huh, that was a lot easier than I- THOU-" my foot slips and I fall backwards on to the mats below. "Ugh" I groan looking up at Bruce, he holds out his hand and I take it. "Even after you think you have something done, don't lose your focus." He says. "So when can I go on a mission?" I blurt. Bruce sighs "Do you think you're ready?" "no" "Then no time soon, you are a very talented fighter but you lack focus and with out focus you lose your awareness." "I don't lack focus" I argue. Suddenly He kicks me down. My head snaps back on to the mat, I look up at him,"Hey-". "I believe I made my point." He says turning around walking to the Bat Computer. I huff standing up dusting myself off and walking over there to him. "You and Damian go on patrol every night right?" I ask wiping the 6 hours of sweat off my face with a towel. "And?" He asks, "Well... You have this big computer but no one to work it while you two are out, maybe instead of using police radios, I could work here. Since I'm not ready to go on missions, yet." The idea sounded brilliant to me but it started to seem less brilliant when Bruce got quiet. Finally he says something, "Since you are taking up the roll of Batgirl, I do suppose I could show you how and you could be Oracle, Oracle was the last... Batgirl's code name when she worked the computers when we didn't need three people out. So yes". My eyes light up, "Thank you! That's a lot better than sitting around here being lonely." "Alright now,"

Sorry this was a short crappy chapter, the next one is going to be good, love ya

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