Over hearing

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"There." Dick points to the screen. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Lex is a mad man with a lot of money, if he wants the public not finding out, they're not going to find out." He confirms. What we have come up with is that Lex has Bruce in the Lex Corps tower, apparently from earlier missions they found out that he has a secret floor under the lobby. "So what's the plan?" I ask. "Let's just say we'll need a janitor suits." He smirks.

"Ugh this itches." I grumble into the ear piece scratching me leg. "Just focus." Nightwing orders. I roll my eyes and walk into the building, I show a night guard the fake badge we made and he scans it, the guy looks at me I give friendly smile as he nods and I walk past him into the lobby. "I'm in" I whisper. "Good." I hear Dick say over the ear piece "Now go to the elevator" I follow his orders and press the button for the elevator to open. I get in. "Ok. Now what?" I ask. "Since its late at night no one should come in the elevator with you so take you time, and try no to set off the alarm-" "I know that." I roll my eyes. "Just do what I told you. I will see you in a couple of minutes. Good luck." The end goes silent. I take out my screwdriver and dismantle the button pad. But when I open it up there's not another button it's a whole other pad but this one is thumb scanner. "Great." I mumble I stand up and look at the camera in the elevator that Nightwing already disabled. I don't want to have to ask for help so my options are take 20 minutes out of the mission trying to disable this key pad or go upstairs and find one of Lex's hand prints on something and get into it. I go with the Shorter easier way and press the button that goes to Lex's office.

The door slides open and I walk down the hallway to his office door. I freeze when I hear voices coming from the door.
I don't know what Lex sounds like I've never met the guy but I can tell its him over the guy who's laughing like a maniac, that would be, The Joker.
"I didn't know oh what do you call him, it's on the tip of my tongue...Oh yeah! Nightwing was back in town, it appears he has a new lady friend too."
"I don't care who's back where's Batman?" Lex asks. "Oh the Batman, he's safe and sound with Harley. Getting his brain bombarded!" The joker laughs hysterically. I lean away from the door, he's not here and by the sound of that he's not doing to well either. I lean against the door getting as much information as I can before I need to leave. "When will he be ready?" "Oh by Next Monday! Harley loves to speed things up when it comes to Batman." "And as for Nightwing and Batgirl?" "I think the distraction of taking Bird Boy to Lex Corps threw them off track. They won't find ole Batman in time."
I jump back from the door, not aware of how loud I was and sprint to the elevator, "Nightwing! Nightwing!" I whisper yell into the ear piece, as I reach the elevator the Joker emerges from the room. "Why hello Batgirl! Why leaving so soon?" He runs towards me laughing. "What? What happened?" Nightwing asks. "He's not here!" I yell sprinting towards the elevator. "What do you mean?! What's happening!" I reach the elevator and press the button looking for another way out. There is none. "BATGIRL!" Nightwing yells over the set. "I'll explain later! But right now-" I rapidly press the close door button "meet me outside the building-" My hand slips off the ear piece as the Joker grabs me and yanks me out of the elevator.
"You should really stay and chat." The Joker grins.

The New Batgirl- Richard Grayson/Nightwing X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now