Chapter 2

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NOTES: This chapter will contain swearing.

Light was blinding Peridot, she held her arm across her eyes to shield the light, by this time she could tell it was the suns doing. She briefly looked around her surroundings not remembering how she got the beam from the sun was slightly dying down, she could see that she found herself on a grassy hill...and nothing more but clear blue skies, she took her time to appreciate the nature and natural causes the planet made...the blue skies then quickly reminded her of Lapis. Peridot sighed...and decided to carry on walking, though she didn't know where.

Soon, she could hear the sound of waves and chirpings of didn't take her long to realize she was near a beach of some sort, though the surrounds weren't that familiar to seemed like she was far from home...or at least the barn she called home. Had it not been a beautiful scenery she would've panicked...but this seemed like a time to clear her head, though the thought of how she actually got here would also pop up in her head. She shrugged and carried on...

Within a few minutes she could see a figure standing in front of her but a little way off, maybe a twenty or so feet. The figure was standing at the cliffs edge and the wind blowing what looked like a dress of some sort...she didn't really know, the figure was nothing more than a shadow and Peridot decided to get a closer look. As she got nearer, it was becoming a little more clear...she gasped silently as she recognized the this person in front of was Lapis.

No doubt about it, it really was Lapis. Peridot could recognized that beautiful blue colour from anywhere. Her dress was slightly darker than her body but still pretty to look at, not to mention the gem on her back that somehow shined even in the shadows blocked from the sun. Peridot felt a cramp in her stomach and started to was almost a tease with Peridot that Lapis wore a bikini-like top and long skirt...but Peridot had to get those thoughts out of her mind...was Lapis still angry with her? Peridot didn't like to be rejected but could understand Lapis's anger...if only she could have the chance to say sorry...maybe this was the perfect time to do it...

Peridot took a deep breath and called out Lapis's name.

PERIDOT: Lapis...?

Lapis didn't respond, it was a loud enough call...but Peridot figured she'd try again. Lapis just stood there in silence.

PERIDOT: Uh...L-Lapis...? (No acknowledgment) Lapis...? (Again, no response) What are you doing here?

It got to the point where Peridot was losing a little bit of patience, being ignored wasn't really something she could handle so easily...but this was Lapis, someone who Peridot just wants to be friends with...and yet, wants more...but it was too early to bring out her feelings for was just important to get over this stage of resentment that Lapis had for Peridot. Peridot decided to walk slowly forward towards Lapis...and then stood by her. Peridot was near the edge also...and the height almost made her nauseous, mainly because she didn't have her limb enhancers, to stop her from ever falling...but tried not to show this in front of Lapis. Peridot took a quick glance at Lapis...who was just staring down at the razor sharp rocks at the bottom of the cliff and the waves smacking against them. Peridot couldn't help but admire the beauty in Lapis face...though her face was of seemed to glow. Peridot it seemed Lapis didn't notice Peridot standing next to her.

Peridot couldn't think of anything to say but then was caught out by Lapis speaking first.

LAPIS: Some gems...were created on this planet. Did you know that...?

Peridot took this question in, it wasn't filled with hate or any anger towards her so took this opportunity to take advantage of this mood...and perhaps actually talk for once.

Steven Universe: Only Fuse with You (Peridot x Lapis)Where stories live. Discover now