Chapter 5: Grayson and the Rig

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'Okay, this looks like an infirmary. Are we in someone's place?' I thought to myself.

"Lydia, come on. We are going to look around," Drake said quietly and I nodded, following them out of the white room, into a white hallway. And even from where I stood, I saw the human figure cross the hallway, into a bigger area.

"Oh, my god. We almost got spotted. You guys are idiots," I whispered to Drake and Armen as we ducked behind a corner in the room leading to the hallway we came from.

"We know. What was it? A robot?" Armen pondered. He was closest to the wall, beside me. Drake was looking around the corner, watching for danger.

"No. Too human-ish looking. I think it is a person. They were whistling, after all," Drake whispered.

"Guys, we shouldn't hide. If he finds us now, he'll be more suspicious than if we showed ourselves," I suggested quietly, moving out from hiding and walking through the hallway, into the larger area the person disappeared into.

They called after me quietly but I ignored them, entering a dining room like area. On one side of the room, there were four doors, and on the other, there was a counter, leading into a kitchen. On three of the signs above the door were written 'Grayson,' 'Collin,' and 'Luke.'

'Collin? Why does the name sound farmiliar?' I thought to myself, then it clicked. I kept to myself though. In front of me, the dining room lead into another room.

"Do you think there's food?" I heard Armen ask through my thoughts. He rushed in the kitchen to search, but it was just as soon as he finished searching cabinets as the person walked in again, still wearing the grey helmet, and holding up a gun.

"Who are you?" it was a male voice.

"We could ask the same to you," I stated, crossing my arms defiantly.

"Ignore her. I'm Drake, she's Lydia, and that's Armen. We'd like to thank you for your hospitality, letting us stay in your infirmary."

"I didnt let anyone stay in there. How did you get there?"

"If you didn't, we don't know how we got there. We just woke up there."

"What is your name?" I asked quietly.


"Do you know where we are?"

"You're on an oil rig, in the middle of the Arctic."

I think I died. The arctic?! The coldest place on earth?!

(A/N: Sorry it is a little short. It is late here and I'm sleep deprived. Goodnight, everyone.)



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