Chapter 7: Run

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"Thanks, Grayson," Drake thanks the blonde for laying out my bed. I stay silent and watch as he leaves the room.

"Guys, I don't feel safe here anymore. I think we should try and leave in the morning," I say as I lay down in the makeshift bed.

"C'mon, girl! We need more information. Besides, I trust Grayson," Armen looks down at me from the top bunk.

"I trust him. I really do. But I know that he is being haunted too. I can see it in his eyes. He knows too. We may need information, but we will have to find it elsewhere. I refuse to stay," I state as I close my eyes, "Now, goodnight."

"We'll see. goodnight," Drake says as I drift off.

~Five hours later~

The sound of Armen and Drake wakes me up and I open my eyes as the sound of hard wind loudens, then quiets again. I get up and walk out of my room to see Grayson in the kitchen.

"H-Hey, Grayson," I speak nervously as I lean on the counter.

"Good morning, Lydia," he replies formally, "would you like any breakfast?"

"Um..No thanks. I'm good," I try to calm  myself down with deep breaths. He turns so he is facing me and I tense.

"Why so tense? I don't bite," he looks me in the eyes.

"Tense? I'm not tense. Just worried," I laugh nervously. I'm such an idiot. He probably sees right through me!

"Whatever you say, Lydia," we both go silent and I feel awkward and out of place. But the worst part is, after a second of silence, our eyes meet.

His eyes are like grass on an open field. So green, you'd think its not real. And he holds so much emotion in his eyes, like he has seen stuff that no one else ever will. They are breath taking and I get lost in them almost immediately.

"Well, I better go grab my gear. Gotta check the rig," he clears his throat and looks away, leaving the room and entering his.

I've only just met him. I can not be thinking these things! He has a life and I need to move on with mine! And if running is how I escape him, then so be it! I will not allow myself to like him in any way, shape, or form!

A/N: Um...guys, I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to not write! But my kindle hasn't been working right, so it hasn't allowed me to write anything! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me! I don't know when I'll be able to write again and school has just gotten harder, so i'm working lots out. I'm sorry I suck! Vote, Comment, or whatever. I don't deserve any of that though so yeah. Have a wonderful week, or month, or whatever! Love you guys!


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