Oh My Darlin' Clementine

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[Luke's POV]


Seeing the look on Clem's beautiful face gave me joy. She loved the gift I gave her and all I wanted to see was her happy. I just keep replaying the moment of her kissing my cheek over and over gain. I know it wasn't much but it was a start. I actually really like her.

I wake up to see Nick in the bed beside me and Clem in the other bed. I get up out of my bed to see a girl that I've only known for weeks whom I had feelings for, sleeping peacefully with a machete next to her. I begin to study her features. Her long dark eyelashes, plum lips, cute nose, gosh I could go on and on.

Suddenly I see her wolf eyes open...oh god her eyes could kill. Then I realize that I look like a total creep who's staring at someone while their sleeping. I look away, trying to make it look like I wasn't staring, then I could feel myself blushing. Clementine could so tell I was staring at her.

"Like the view", I hear her say with a giggle. 'Oh gosh she had a cute laugh.' "Aww thanks" I just realized I said that out loud. I am a total dork. "Oh um sorry I was just...I wasn't starin just...and your laugh." Ugh it was no use. She knew I was staring at her and knew I thought she had a cute laugh. "It's okay Luke, I think your cute.", she replies. "Oh um I mean I think THATS cute not you...well you are really cute just...forget it.", Clem says. Her cheeks turn bright red. Well I guess I'm not the only one who's embarrassed right now.

Clem gets out of bed and puts on her hat. She gives me a cute smile, grabs her machete and walks out of the room in front of me and I follow behind.

"I was thinking that you and I go huntin' how does that sound?", I ask her. I would give anything just to be alone with Clem for a little bit, I just hope no one else tags along.

Aren't I greedy

"Yeah of course. Perfect time to test out my new machete.", Clem replies.

"Great so after breakfast let's head out.", I say.

Out of nowhere Clementine wraps her arms around my neck and without hesitating I pull her in closer. I'm not really sure what the hug was for but hey I'm not complaint. "Thank you.", she whispers in my ear. "For what?", I ask.

"Everything that you've done for me."

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