It's About Time

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[Clem's POV]

After breakfast, Luke and I head out to try to find something us and the group can eat, but I had something else on my mind other than hunting.

I have to admit, waking up to Luke staring at me was pretty cute. It was even cuter when he tried denying it.

"I know it may sound crazy", Luke begins to speak as we walk. "But I wouldn't undo anything that has happened." I was pretty surprised by hearing him say that. I mean who wouldn't wanna undo all this shit that has happened? "Really? Why?", I ask. "Don't get me wrong, this world has gone to hell and everything, but I...I would have never met you." Luke and I stop walking and I face him. He had a point, we would have never met and honestly I can't imagine not having Luke in my life right now. Just thinking about him made me blush, but I didn't even bother trying to hide it.

"I'm so glad I have you.", I hear Luke say. His brown eyes stare into my wolf eyes and I can't help but melt. "Luke I...I.", words couldn't come out. The butterflies in my stomach were attacking me.

"Clem, I've been meaning to talk to you, about something important", Luke began. "Ever since we met, I knew that there was something different about you, that you were different from any other girl I've met. You were tough, knew how to take care of didn't need anyone to take care of you. When we had dinner together and we talked, I couldn't help but concentrate on how beautiful and stunning you are. Your eyes, your smile, your voice...hell I couldn't stop think about you. You are so special and important to me. I just want you to be mine...I love you Clementine."

I just stare up at Luke, his hands on my face, trying to comprehend the words he just said to me.

I love you. Those three words that felt like everything.

If only I could've said that to Lee.

Without hesitating I slammed my lips into Luke's, wrapping my arms around his neck, his hands move its way to my hips. I let his tongue in, then we go at it for what seems like forever. We both let out a soft moan and there we were, just casually making out by a river.

Both of us finally pull back, gasping for air. I stare into his eyes wanting more. From the way he was looking at me, I knew he wanted more too.

"It's about time.", I whisper in his ear.

We start to walk back to the cabin, my hand in Luke's. Sure I didn't come back with an animal for us to eat, but I did get something wayyy better.

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