Chapter 1

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Mia's POV

" wake up Mia'' Lucy said ''But I don't want to'' I reply in my morning voice ''were gonna be late'' I look at my clock." Late I have one hour to get ready'' I said ''you're wrong you have only 40 minutes to get ready and the rest will be the ride to school'' Lucy said ''ok get out so I can take my shower'' I go to the bathroom and do everything I needed to do when I finish I slip to my school uniform, made a waterfall braid and curl my hair and apply my make up for covering all my bruises that I got everyday from my bullies yes I have bullies in my school so when I finish applying my make up I head downstairs only to see my 2 older brothers and 2 older sisters waiting for me. Peter is the eldest and I'm the youngest and the ''nerd'' in us so our age are Peter 23, Susan 22, Edmund 19, Lucy 16, and me 15

''Morning guys'' I greet them '' Morning too'' Edmund said happily '' so are you ready'' Peter ask '' yeah'' '' OK then let's race to the car'' Edmund said ''Sure'' Susan said'' 1..2..3.. Go!!'' Peter counted when he say go we run as fast as a lightning '' yay! I'm the first'' Peter said '' yeah we know because you have a BIG steps'' Susan joked ''hahaha.. at least I'm the winner not loser'' Peter joke back with a smirk planted his face ''Hey were not loser'' Susan defend '' whatever you say Susan'' Peter said "guys let's go before we get late'' Lucy said. With that we start to journey to school

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Conversation going to school~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Lucy I want to be at the place where we only knew" I said to Lucy " me too I wonder when we will go there again" Lucy reply " I wish the time to go back there is too soon I miss them" " yeah we miss them too'' says Edmund " guys do you miss the place that we only knew?" Edmund question to Susan and Peter " of course we miss that place" Susan replied

~~~~10 minutes later~~~~

''were here" peter said. I sigh and say goodbye to them. I walked towards my locker and while I'm walking I feel that someone is following me so I turn and saw the persons I fear

"what do you want" I said "we just want to do some things to you" Harry said with a evil smile planted on his face "please not now" I said to them "and why" Louis ask. Think Mia think "um because the principal is in your back" I said when they turn I run to my locker to get the books I need as fast as I can because they are running towards me when I got all my books I run to the lady's loo and hide in there

*5 minutes later*

When I hear the bell rung I walked at my class as fast as possible for me to get on class on time. Luckily, my best friend Ericka is on her chair and looked at me she give a pat on the sit next to her signing that I should sit there so I take the offer. "hi" I said "hello" she said we chat until the teacher comes in and start the lesson.

~~~1 hour later~~~

The bell rung again signaling that the class is dismissed. Sadly, Ericka have biology while I have free time. I went at the library and review there for a while when 1 hour is done me and Ericka have P.E. together we went to the gym and go to the lady's room to change. Once were done we stretch and chat

"so how's biology?" I ask knowing that she will answer boring because she don't have a friend to chat.

" ugh.. the whole class is boring!"

"why do you say that its boring?"

"because you're not in there to chat with me"

told you she will say it " so what did you do?"

" of course I have nothing to do but listen to the teacher how about you why didn't you meet me at our meeting place?"

"because of the 5 lads who are trying to hurt me again I don't get why they are so mean to me"

"don't worry as soon as they know your secret they will never or maybe hurt you"

"but I don't want them to know my secret except you because you're my best friend"

Harry's POV

I was finding the boys when I hear Mia was talking to Ericka

"so how's biology?" Mia ask

" ugh.. the whole class is boring!" Ericka answer

"why do you say that its boring?"

"because you're not in there to chat with me"

" so what did you do?"

" of course I have nothing to do but listen to the teacher how about you why didn't you meet me at our meeting place?"

"because of the 5 lads who are trying to hurt me again I don't get why they are so mean to me"

"don't worry as soon as they know your secret they will never or maybe hurt you"

"but I don't want them to know my secret except you because you're my best friend"

So Mia has a secret I need to tell this to the lads! I search for them and I see them I walked towards them .

"lads I have something to tell you"

"ok go on say what you want to say" Liam said

I tell them everything I heard and when I finish to say what I heard Louis had a evil smile on the face "what are you planning Louis?" I said

" well how about we trap her tomorrow at the hallway before she went home and ask her what is her big secret" Louis said

"that's a wonderful Idea Louis so everyone will hide and I will trap her first and you guys walked in when she will turn her back to me" I said

"great!!'' the other lads said

Mia Pevensie we will know what is your secret whether you like it or not

A/N: the first chapter is up I decide to dedicate this to @YMCMB_Love2000 because she's the one who vote first so I hope you like it and sorry for the wrong grammars and spellings

the picture of her hair:

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