Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Mia’s POV

“why do guys bully me?” I ask Harry was about to answer when the others came back. “ how are you Mia ?” Susan ask “I’m fine now” I said “ good but we’re going to sleep. Mia, you can sleep again. ” Edmund said “nah, I will just walk for a bit” I said “ok but be sure that you know where you coming back alright” Susan said “ok” I replied. They are firing up the woods when I walk through the forest to the river where I see Aslan when I get there I sit infront of a tree about three feet before the river  then close my eyes imagining that the trees are dancing and moving .

Harry’s POV

I was about to answer Mia’s question when the others came back Liam walked towards me the other boys are following  behind him “what happen between you and Mia?” Zayn ask “nothing” I said “oh really?” Niall said “well she forgive me and we start over” I said “and she ask something” I continued “and what’s that?” Louis said “why did we bully her” I said “well tell her the truth mate” Liam said “ok” I said. Well you see when we are in our friend’s house we are in the 7th grade someone dared us to bully someone for 3 years we took a few more days before we see Mia in her nerdy glasses holding a lot of books me and the boys think that she is an easy target so we decide that she is the one when we first bully her I felt guilty she didn’t do anything to us and we are bullying her because of a dare. Now the others are asleep so was the boys while I was staring at the sky feeling my eyelids start to feel heavy.

*********8:30 am*********

Peter’s POV

When I wake up I sit up I notice that Mia isn’t with us I wake Edmund and Trumpkin “why did you wake us?” said Edmund “Mia’s missing……again” I said “ugh…..can we just..take a few more minutes” Edmund said sleepy “no we need to find her now” Trumpkin said “I agree, we don’t even know if there are more animals like the bear who attack Lucy and Mia just put it to sleep she didn’t kill it” I said “ok” Edmund said “why didn’t you wake them” Edmund ask pointing at the others “ because girls needs “beauty sleep” while the boys…. they don’t know Narnia as much as we do” I said “ok….let’s start finding Mia, shall we?” Trumpkin said “we shall” I said

Mia’s POV

When I open my eyes the sun is rising and I’m still near the river infront of the tree I guess I doze off while imagining things I stand up and walk near the river I was about to look down when I hear a branch break behind me I turn around and expect that someone or something is behind me but I didn’t see anything I ignore it then go back to what I was supposed to do when I look down the river I heard steps small steps actually I turn around but then again I saw nothing then I remember I was supposed to be with the others. I walked back towards to where I came from but when I pass the tree that was behind the tree that I sleep in I swear I saw something I walk a little more then I hide behind another tree seconds later I saw a half man and half goat what’s that creature again oh yeah it’s a fawn ( I don’t know if that is the spelling) it walk towards me I circle the tree as the fawn pass the tree that I was in so the fawn can’t see me when it pass the other tree  the fawn was confused I sneak behind him/her and said “ looking for me” it turn around and I saw a familiar face “Mia?” he said “Mr. Tumnus…..Aaaaahhhh!!” I shout with joy and tackled him in the ground he was still like himself but older face “I miss you” I said I hear him chuckle“I miss you too but what are you doing here alone?” he said like someone is in here not only us “oh I’m not alone I’m here with my brothers and sisters but why are you so scared it’s not like there is someone who will kill us or something” I said looking around  “come on I will tell you when we are with your brothers and sisters” He said “ok come” I said as I walk to the place where the others are

Lucy’s POV

We are all awake waiting for Peter, Trumpkin , and Edmund come with Mia they come back here three times already expecting that Mia was here the other boys offer help but Peter didn’t accept because he said that they don’t know Narnia as he do. Minutes later Mia appeared with a huge smile on her face “Mia I said you will come back yesterday night not today” Susan said calm “I’m sorry ok but where are Peter, Edmund and Trumpkin” she say “they are lo-” I got cut off “we’re here” Peter said “Mia do you know how worried we are?!” Peter said angrily Mia’s smile was turning into frown while me and the others are watching “I know I’m sorry” she said “then why do you have to be selfish?” Peter said “me…selfish is that what you think I am” Mia said in the verge of tears “yes  you know why because you are happy while we are worried about you!” Peter said “well let’s see… I didn’t tell you guys that I was being bullied because I don’t want you guys to worry about me so I keep all the pain even though it hurts now you’re saying that I was selfish by accusing me of being happy because you’re worried…..well I’m happy because I was reunited with a friend now learn that before accusing me ask before you say what you think..” she said “I was supposed to surprise you but it end this way so….. Mr. Tumnus you can get out behind the tree now” she continue “what Mr. Tumnus are you jok-” Peter was cut off by Mr. Tumnus with an older look appearing beside Mia We are there with are jaws wide open except Trumpkin “you can say what you want to say now but tell them first you can tell me later” she said tears walking away.

A/N: hi guys! Chapter 14 is up little early hope you like it!

The Bullied......Queen!! (One Direction and Narnia fan-fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora