Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Now we are in a boat with Trumpkin he is a dwarf and a Narnian. Well a while ago a bear is about to eat Lucy Susan was about to shot the bear but me on the other hand was bringing my instrument which is my guitar here in Narnia I don’t want that Susan will kill a bear so I strum the tune of a Narnia lullaby the bear instantly fell asleep.


We are at the end of the beach when Liam saw a boat with two person and a dwarf. These people was about to drown the poor dwarf when Susan yelled

“Drop him!”

The 2 person drop the dwarf into the water well Susan was referring to the floor of the boat but they drop him on the water so Susan shot one the person the other one dive so Susan miss him. Peter and Edmund dived Peter saved the dwarf and Edmund get the boat.

“drop him!” said the dwarf

“what you are the one who saved, a little thank you can do that” Susan said

“oh thank you you’re  majesty” said the dwarf  as he bowed

“I forgot I’m Trumpkin” he continued

“Trumpkin where does the Narnians go?” I asked

“well they  hide you’re majesty” he replied

“why?” Lucy asked

“because  the talmarines are ruling the Narnia you’re majesty” he said

“who are they?” Peter asked

“well they are the ones who drop me in the beach you’re majesty” he said

“please stop calling us you’re Majesty” I said

“yes Queen Mia” he said

“just Mia Trumpkin” I said again

“yes Mia” he said

“good” I said

“oh hi there” Lucy said she was talking to a bear well all can talk in here except this bear well it doesn’t say something

“you’re majesty don’t” said Trumpkin

The bear was running towards Lucy

“Lucy!” I shouted Lucy was running abd she was chasing by a bear Lucy tripped

“stop!” Susan said but the bear did not stop Susan was about to shot the Bear when I strum the chords of a Narnia lullaby the bear instantly fell asleep. Everyone stared at me at shock want to know why because it was my first time to strum the chords of Narnia Lullaby

“what?” I ask

“well you master it” Lucy said running to me and hugging me “thanks By the way” she continued

“what Queen of musician am I if I don’t master it and no Problem”

***End of flashback***

“why don’t they dance?” Lucy asked

“what the trees,they stop dancing when talmarines start to rule our land” Trumpkin said

“where did they go?” Louis asked

“they are in the deepest ground they lose hope they thought you will be never be back” Trumpkin said jumping out of the boat he tied the rope of the boat and sunk it in the sand. And with that we begin our journey to the other Narnians.


Hi guys Chapter 7 is up!! And guys sorry for the late update I was busy at the moment

Can this chapter have 10 votes for the next. And for those who read this story thank you I love you so much guys. Bye!!

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