Chapter 7

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I can't believe one of my best friends is getting married today. It's impossible to wrap my head around. Liam, my best friend, is getting married. I slip into my dress, a black, low-cut dress that stops just above my knees, and sweep my hair over to one side to get it out of my way so I can help Josh. I sit down on the chair in front of Josh and help fix his shirt. "I can't believe our best friend is getting married today." I say, as I button the last button on his shirt. "I know. It's exciting." I nod. "Mhmm." I tie his tie. He turns to look in the mirror and fixes his hair. I slip on my shoes, black high heels, and glance up in the mirror. I watch him in the mirror for a second, then look at myself. He moves behind me and runs his fingers through the ends of my hair. "You look really pretty." He smiles at me in the mirror and smooths my hair down my back. "Thank you." We look at each other for a while. "What are you thinking about?" He asks. "I was just thinking about our wedding day." I glance up at him. "That was a really good day." He says. "Yeah." I agree. I stare at him in the mirror for a minute. "Can you check and see if the taxi's here? We have...." He walks to the window to check while I look for my phone. I can't find it. I look all over the room and find it on the bed. "Twenty minutes! Fuck!" We're going to be late. We're going to be late to our own best friends wedding. "Taxi's here!" He yells closing the curtains and running over to me. I grab my phone and we run outside.

We catch our taxi just in time and hop into the back seat. We were so busy talking I almost didn't notice that we were slowing down. The taxi stops at our destination and Josh quickly grabs his wallet out of his pocket and pays the driver. "We've got ten minutes." We hop out and run up to the gate. The gate leads into a huge garden where the wedding and after party will take place. Once we get past security we are allowed inside. Inside the gate is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. There are flowers, trees, and all different kinds of wildlife everywhere. "Wow." I look around. It's like we've walked into a fairytale. "I know. It's beautiful." Josh says. As we walk we keep looking around at everything. It's so distracting I almost trip twice. "Look!" Josh points to the altar with chairs lined up in front of it. "We made it!" I scream, running to catch up with Josh. "We made it!" Josh repeats, full on running with me towards the altar. When Liam sees us running his face immediately relaxes, he goes from nervous to happy instantly. He thought his best friend and best man we're going to be late. Does he really have that little faith in us? We made it with a few minutes to spare and we weren't even the last people to arrive. There's still a few chairs empty. I take my place in the front row and Josh runs up to Liam.

The music starts and I turn to look at the aisle. All the bridesmaids walk down the aisle with different men, most of them I don't even recognize. The only ones I know are Liam's brothers and Josh. Then everyone's eyes shift to the beginning of the aisle as the bride appears. Her dress is long and fitted, trailing out behind her in all white lace. Her blond hair is wrapped up in a perfect bun with only her bangs staying out. Her blue eyes stay glued on Liam while she walks down the aisle. Miley Cyrus. When Liam first told Josh and I that he still loved her I was shocked. I thought he was crazy. He had been engaged to someone else for three years. He had moved on. How could he do something so impulsive? Then to find out he's going to marry her right away, I thought he must be extra crazy. I thought he was going way too fast. I still feel like things are happening too fast, even though he assured me multiple times that it isn't, that this is what he wants. Apparently, they had been talking for months before but just as friends. He made sure to end it as soon as he realized he was thinking about her as anything but just a friend. He didn't want to cheat on Kassidy. So he ended things with Kassidy, proposed to Miley, and now we're here. All within the same month. And I don't think I've ever seen him more happy. Her dad walks her down the aisle then takes his place sitting down in the front row next to the rest of her family. Then it's just her and Liam, looking into each other's eyes. Everyone else stays watching them as they say their vows, while I look over at Josh. I can't believe that only a few weeks ago I was thinking about getting a divorce. Now, I can't imagine ever even considering trying to live without him. He's my soulmate, just like Miley is Liam's. We stare at each other, both of us smiling. I look back to Liam as they slip the rings on each other's fingers and I feel tears dripping down my face. They finish putting the rings on and everyone cheers them on as they kiss.

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