Chapter 36

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The sound of screaming children and Josh clanking around in the kitchen wake me up bright and early in the morning. I crawl out of bed, falling onto the floor before I even wake up all the way. What time is it? I rub my eyes and look around for my phone. I find it on the floor next to the bed and see that it's only six. Even on weekends they don't sleep in very long. I fix my shirt, which is barely even on me anymore from moving around all night in my sleep. Then I stumble downstairs to find the source of all the noise. As soon as my feet hit the tile in the kitchen I'm swarmed by little arms wrapping around my legs. I look down to see Ava and Cole looking up at me from down by my feet. "Well, Good morning to you too." Josh's laughter immediately distracts my attention from the children at my feet to the man standing a few feet away from me cooking eggs on the stove. "Good morning." I shuffle over to him and give him a kiss. Ava and Cole detach themselves from me and take off running and screaming towards the living room. "Be careful you guys!" I yell after them, but I doubt they even heard me. "How long has this been going on?" I ask, Josh. "Only a few minutes. I'm surprised you didn't wake up earlier though honestly. They're loud." He says. "Yeah, They get that from me probably. Do you want some help with that?" I point to the eggs he's working on scrambling. "Nah, I've got this. Can you get the bacon out though?" I nod, walking over to the fridge, opening it up, and grabbing the bacon. I set it out on the counter, along with a carton of orange juice. Together, Josh and I finish making breakfast. The rest of the day consists of almost non-stop screams of excitement as Josh gives the kids piggyback rides around the house, and eventually with some persuasion, gives me one as well.

After we've finally gotten everyone settled down for the night and the kids in bed, Josh and I head upstairs to get ready for bed. I follow Josh into our bedroom and look over his shoulder as he opens his dresser. I swipe a pair of his boxers and he gives me an annoyed look as he gets some for himself. Then he pulls open the second drawer and digs around for a t-shirt. I spot a batman symbol peeking out from under a white t-shirt and I quickly grab it before Josh can. "Hey!" He turns to see me holding his favorite t-shirt high up above his head. "Jen, give it to me. You know I can reach up there if I wanted to." He rolls his eyes as I hold it up higher, making me giggle. "Seriously, Jen. Give it back, go get your own shirt." He grumbles. "Calm down, Batman. I'm just wearing it to bed, then I'll wash it and put it right back where I found it." I smile and kiss his cheek. "Yeah, you better." He mumbles, closing the drawer and walking into the bathroom. I follow him there as well, grabbing a clean towel on my way, and he doesn't try to stop me as I follow him all the way into the shower.

The water rains down between us, neither of us fully immersed in it. "You're never getting rid of me. I hope you know that." I smirk at him, poking his chest. "I hope that's true. I want you to continue to invade my personal space forever." In response I give him my most award-winning smile. "Good we're on the same page." I say, then lean in and kiss him, ignoring the unpleasantness of the water dripping on our faces.

I kick my legs up and prop them up on Josh's chest, as I unlock my phone. Josh watches curiously as I dial a number and hold my phone up to my ear. "Who are you calling this late?" He asks. "I'm ordering pizza." I whisper, holding the phone away from myself. "Of course you are." He laughs. "I'd like two large pizzas, one with everything on it, and the other just plain cheese." I order, then I glance at Josh. "Do you want anything?" He rolls his eyes at my stupid question. "Just kidding." I say, finishing my order, then hanging up the phone.

When the pizza gets here, I rush downstairs to get it. I rip open the front door and hand the delivery man at my door the money. "Thanks." I take the boxes from him and smile. "You're welcome. I like your shirt." He compliments. "Thanks, again." I shut the door and take a quick detour into the kitchen to grab some drinks, then I walk back up the stairs to Josh.

Josh's eyes widen as I walk in with my hands full of our midnight snack. "Do you need help with all that?" He offers, holding his hands out. I set the pizza boxes in his hands, then set our glasses on the beside table. "I got us this to celebrate." I hold up a wine bottle to show him. "Cool. What are we celebrating again?" He asks, taking the bottle from me. "We successfully survived another day as parents." I say. "Plus, I like wine." I add. "Can't argue with that. Give me those glasses and I'll pour us some." I pass two wine glasses over to him, then I climb onto the bed. He pours us each a glass, while I open up a box of pizza and grab myself a slice. As I take a bite, Josh holds my wine glass out to me. I take it from him, holding my pizza in my other hand. He holds his glass out to me for a roast. "To us." We clink our glasses together, then we take a sip. We spend the rest of our evening together drinking, eating, and laughing at some romantic comedy Josh picked for us to watch.

A/N: That's the last chapter. I know it wasn't much but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. After this I still have an epilogue for you guys then this story will be officially over. And there's a little extra surprise after the epilogue if you stick around to read the authors note.

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