Chapter 30

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When the clock finally ticks it's way to twelve-thirty, the first lunch bell rings and I nearly sprint to get past all the students and to the athletic office. I've been waiting for this moment all day. I take a seat at my desk and unscrew the cap on my Dr.Pepper. I take a quick drink, then reach for my sandwich. Just as I bite into my sandwich, Naomi walks into the athletic office.

She stands by the door talking to one of our other coworkers until the other woman leaves, then she turns around and her eyes settle on me. "Hey, Josh." She smiles as she walks towards me. "Hey." I nod at her, before taking another bite of my sandwich. "So, how's your day been?" She asks, resting her arms on my desk. "It got off to a bad start but it's fine now." I answer. "Oh?" She raises her eyebrows. "I woke up late and missed breakfast." I don't mention that the reason I woke up late was that Jen kept waking me up last night every single time she went to the bathroom, which I counted out to be eleven times. "That sucks. At least it's your lunch time now. I wish I could have my lunch now but I've only got a few minutes left in my break." I nod, trying not to offend her even though I'm kinda too busy eating to talk right now. She doesn't say anything for a while and I take the time to take a drink of my Dr.Pepper. She's got on a dark blue shirt today and jeans, very casual for her anyway, although her shoes are just as dressy as usual. She clicks her heels together, making me glance down at the noise. Jen can't wear any of her high heels anymore because they hurt her feet too much. In fact, she can barely wear any of her shoes because her feet don't fit, so she usually just wears some of mine. When I look back up Naomi is leaning further over my desk than before. I notice her dark eyes are outlined with black eyeliner and silvery eyeshadow. The colors look nice together with the dark blue of her shirt. "So, any plans this weekend?" She asks. "Nah, not really. I'll probably just be at home with the kids." I set my drink back down on my desk. "Sounds like a wild night." She smiles, and I do too. "Yeah. So, how about you? You doing anything this weekend?" I ask, but she doesn't get to answer before I hear another voice say my name. It's Jennifer. What is she doing here? She walks towards us, smiling. She's wearing a dress I've never seen before. It's skin tight, black, with spaghetti straps, and barely long enough to reach halfway down her thighs. When Naomi notices Jen, her face turns paler than I've ever seen it and she glances at me in shock. I wonder if my face looks the same way. "Hey, Jen." I try to compose myself. She walks around Naomi and Naomi turns around and leaves. "Jen." I start, but she distracts me by setting a bag down on my desk. It's from a restaurant, but I can't tell which by the bag. "Jen." I start again, but she stops me again by climbing into my lap, putting one leg on each side of me, straddling me. I wrap one arm around her and press my free hand onto the back of her thighs, forcing her dress down. "Jen, it's not what it looks like.." I start to say, but once again I'm silenced. "Shh. I know." She runs her fingers through my hair gently. "So, um what's going on? Where are the kids?" I ask. "They're with Ben. I just wanted to stop by and have lunch with you. I knew you skipped breakfast so I wanted to bring you something nice for lunch." She explains. "What's with the... uh... this." I ask, pointing to her dress. "Oh, I got this today. I went shopping with Mere cause she wanted to go out today. We had one of the hair people at the mall do my hair today too, do you like it?" I nod. "Yeah, I do. It looks beautiful, Jen." She smiles at my compliment. "Oh right, you need to eat." She jumps off me and starts digging in the bag. "Actually, Jen. I think I'm just gonna leave early today. I'll get someone to cover for me. We can eat at home." I say, still a little shocked. "Are you sure?" She asks. "Yep. C'mon." I get up, gather my things, and walk her out of the athletic office.

I make her wait in the hallway while I take care of everything I need to do to leave for the day. I make up the excuse that I'm not feeling well as my reason to leave, since I can't exactly say that I want to go home to make sure my obviously pregnant and possibly crazy wife isn't upset with me.

As soon as we get home, Jen and I sit down on the couch to eat. When she sits down I notice she's wearing my slides as shoes today, with that dress, and I nearly burst out laughing. "What?" She asks, noticing I'm smiling, as she opens one of our to go boxes. "You're just really fucking cute." She smiles at my answer. "So are you." She hands me a open to go box with pizza in it. Then she sets the other one with Pasta in it on her lap. "You don't mind sharing do you? You can have some of my pasta too." She says. "Not at all." I pass my box over to her and take a bite of her pasta.

Once we've finished our food we both stay frozen on the couch, just cuddling. "Jen, earlier when you came to my work and Naomi was talking to me it was purely friendly conversation. I wasn't flirting with her. I wouldn't do that. I just wanted to make sure you knew that." I play with her fingers as I talk, keeping my eyes down. "I know." She says, after a while of silence. "What?" I glance up at her. "I know you weren't flirting with her." She repeats herself. "So, you're not mad?" I question, still not sure if she's really okay. She's usually pretty good at hiding her feelings when she wants to, but she seems to be telling the truth. "No, I already told you I'm not. You love me, right?" I nod. "Of course I do." I look into her eyes, wondering what she's thinking. "Then I have nothing to worry about. Besides even if she did try to flirt with you I'm confident in my ability to kick her ass." That makes me laugh instantly. "Jen, I've told you this a thousand times you need to be careful. There's a baby inside you remember? That means no fighting. Although for the record you could absolutely crush her." She smiles. "Damn right I could." She pulls me in for a kiss. "This dress is nice." I mumble as my hand skirts up her side. "Yeah?" She whispers, dazed. "Yeah." I kiss her again. "If you weren't already pregnant you would be after this." She giggles, then quickly bites her lip to stop herself. "We've got an hour before Mere drops off the kids." She says, Then starts taking off my shirt. "Then we better get started." I whisper, as I lean in and kiss her neck.

A/N: I haven't had a Josh chapter in a while so this one and he last one are Josh chapters. I hope you guys like this chapter. I just thought Jen showing up at Josh's work would be a really cute scenario and so this happened.

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