Chapter 11

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I wet my toothbrush in the sink and squeeze toothpaste onto it. The sun's just starting to come up. Usually I would never be up this early, but Josh and I had to get up early to go see someone about getting a horse. It's going to be a long drive to the farm, so we wanted to start as early as possible. I stare out the window while I brush my teeth, watching the sunrise, and looking out at our backyard. Our backyard is huge and covered with bright green grass.We've spent the past few weeks preparing it for the horse. It didn't take Josh and I long to build a little barn for it and we already had a fence put up from when we first moved in. I spit and rinse my mouth out in the sink. Then I set my toothbrush in it's holder and take a glance at myself in the mirror. I look horrible. My eyes are all puffy from not getting enough sleep and my hair's a mess. I quickly throw my hair up into a messy bun and stumble downstairs to find Josh.

I follow the sound of Josh's voice into the kitchen and find him standing by the fridge with Ava sitting on the counter. "Look! Mommy's here!" He says, pointing to me and smiling. "Do you want some cookies?" He holds the open box of cookies that him and Ava were eating out to me. I don't even try to scold him for giving the kids cookies for breakfast because I eat cookies for breakfast all the time. I grab as many cookies as I can hold and take a bite out of one. "God, seems like someone's in a bad mood this morning." Josh says. "Sorry. I'm just tired." I rub my eye with my free hand, Then take another bite of my cookie. "Yeah, I bet you are after last night." Josh smirks at me, making me giggle. "Yeah." I smile at him. I glance over at Cole for a second, who's sitting at the table eating cookies too. "We should leave. It's a little after six and we've still gotta drop them off at your parents house." I suggest, finishing my last cookie. "Yeah." I take the empty cookie box from Josh and throw it in the trash. The kids are already dressed and ready to go, so all we have to do is get in the car.

I sit in the passenger seat, staring out the window with my face pressed in my palm. We've already dropped the kids off and are only a few more hours away from the farm with all the horses. "What?" I ask, turning my head to look at Josh. He keeps glancing over at me instead of watching the road and it's starting to stress me out. "You're really beautiful." I roll my eyes, but I can't keep from smiling. "Are you still tired?" He asks. "No, Not really, mostly just bored. Can we stop and get something to eat?" I saw a fast food sign an hour ago on a billboard and haven't stopped thinking about it since. "Yeah, sure. I've been needing to take a break from driving anyway." He pulls into a Arby's and goes up to the drive through. There's a few cars in front of us but they don't take very long ordering. After only a few minutes it's our turn to order. We both get a chicken sandwich and three large orders of fries to share. When we get our food Josh pulls over into the parking lot and parks so we can eat. I bite into my sandwich, then set it on my leg and grab a handful of fries out of the bag. "Oh my god these fries are fucking amazing!" I say, shoving as many as I can into my mouth at once. "I know! Their fries are always the best." Josh says, reaching into the bag to get some. I finish my sandwich in two bites and throw the crumpled up wrapper in the back seat. Once both of us have eaten our sandwiches, It doesn't take us more than a few minutes to finish off the rest of the fries too. Josh throws the empty bag in the back and gets out so we can switch places. I get into the driver's seat so Josh can take a break from driving. I turn on the radio and turn it up loud so we can listen to music while I drive. We sing along to all the songs until we have to stop when we get to the farm.

Josh holds my hand while we walk to the house and knock on the door. The owner answers and leads us to the barn. His barn is much bigger than ours and has at least five horses in it. I walk with Josh to meet all the horses and pet each of them for a while. There's a black one, two brown spotted ones, a white one, and one that's solid brown. "You can pick whichever one you want, Jen. I like them all." Josh says. "I want the first one, the brown spotted one." She's my favorite out of all of them. "Okay. We'll get that one." I stay behind with my horse while Josh goes off to talk to the owner. He returns after a while and pets the horse with me. "You ready to head home? He said he'll come by tomorrow with her." I nod. "Okay. Let's go home." I reluctantly leave my horses side and follow Josh out to the car. He drives the rest of the way home.

When we get to his parents house, his mom comes outside before we can get out of the car. We called her ahead of time to let her know we were on our way so we could get home as quickly as possible after getting the kids. I take Ava from her and hold her sleeping body up to my chest. "Thanks, Michelle." I say, watching Josh lead Cole over to the car. "Anytime." I put Ava in the car, while Josh tells his mom bye.

Once we get home, Josh puts both the kids in bed, while I get changed into my pajamas. Josh comes to bed thirty minutes after me and instead of changing he just strips down to his boxers and climbs into bed. He lays down next to me and wraps his arm around me. "Are you happy?" I nod, smiling. "Just think, By this time tomorrow you'll have a horse." He says. "Yeah." I mumble, curling up next to him. "What are you gonna name it?" I think about it for a minute. "Bay." I decide. "Bay?" Josh laughs. "Mhmm." I nod. "Okay. Bay. I think that's a good name for her." He says. "Good cause that's her name." I close my eyes and rest my head on his shoulder

A/N: Writing makes me tired af. I hope you guys liked this and maybe comment something to help get me motivated to write the next chapter?

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