-The New Student-

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I solemnly swear I have to update everyday.



Karkat's POV

Good fucking lord, a brand new day of school.

I never even enjoyed school, I mean, we have calculators for a reason, and all the people in history are dead anyway! Its gonna be worse now that I start high school this year. God I hate life. Its worse that I have Kankri as a brother, and he's a lecture teacher or some shit. This is going to be a long ass year.


I literally woke up 30 minutes late! What the actual fuck! God dammit!

"Karkat! You know the rules!" Kankri yells from downstairs.

"Shut up! You should have woken me up!" I yell back. God I wish he would shut his trap.

I rush downstairs, buttoning my school uniform. Its already 7:50! I grab my toast with butter and run out the door like a schoolgirl from those weird anime shows. Great start to a shit school year.

I manage to scrape by, arriving in homeroom by 8:08, 2 minutes before the bell rings.


Never mind. 1 minute. Everyone chooses a seat. I choose a window seat, because classes are so boring that I barely pay attention. The teacher walks in. She looks a lot like Aradia. Probably her sister, because they both have the same black hair with a tint of Rust Red, and pale white skin. The eyes are also a dead give away. Her voice and accent sounds very foreign, and she seemed so bored with this class that if she could, she would jump out the window.

"Hello students, my name is Damara Megido, and I am your homeroom and history teacher." she says.

Called it. Ugh. I probably have history for first period. God dammit.

"I will start the rollcall. Please say present if you're here."

Fuck these stupid private school rules. I feel so crabby today, I just want this day to end...

"Eridan Ampora?" "Present."

The annoying wizard fanatic.

"Nepeta Leijon?" "Present!"

Crazy cat fangirl.

"Aradia Megido?" "..Present.."

Quiet girl.

"Karkat Vantas?" Thats me. "Present."

"Equius Zahhak?" "Present."

Guy who can mount horses in more ways than one.

"Alright, thats about everyone. Today before we start, we have a transfer student. Please respect her, she's blind." Damara announces.

A girl with ginger hair walks in the classroom, her hair bouncing with every step. She was carrying a cane with a sort of dragon head, a dragon keychain attached to it. Her eyes were hidden with bright red glasses. She was wearing the usual school "sailor outfit", except she had many brightly colored bracelets on her arm.

"Hello! My name is Terezi Pyrope! Its nice to meet you." She grins as she bows infront of the class.

"You can sit on the desk beside Karkat Vantas." Damara points to the desk next to me, while writing down todays assignment.

Great, Im stuck with a blind girl, who is probably as annoying as all these shitfaces.

"Hey Karkat!" Terezi grins at me as she took her seat.

"..Hi?" I respond, hesitantly.

I just sounded like a fucking dork. Way to go with your first impression.

The teacher starts talking about this dude named Henry Avery, a pirate or whatever. It feels like she's boring a hole into my head, so I simply look outside and watch these doves fly by, hoping they crash into each other as we take notes.

-30 minutes later..-

"..And that about wraps it up. If you have any questions, address me after class. We have a test on him this Wednesday." Damara finishes her huge lesson, closing her book and erasing the blackboard.

"Oh, Karkat Vantas, Terezi Pyrope, come here." She turns and look at us, beckoning to come to her.

Shit, did she catch me not paying attention?

"Karkat, could you please show Terezi around?  I'll write you a late pass, so please do so." She asks me, writing down something on a light blue slip of paper before handing it to me.

"Uh, sure."

I beckon this weirdo to follow me. She gladly follows me, out into the halls of this fancy school.

Terezi's POV

Today started out really hectic. We just moved from France, and we were lucky we even made it to the first day of school. The plane got caught in a huge thunderstorm, so all I could hear was flashes, and the smell of burning metal. Apparently, a wing had caught on fire somehow, and the plane kept on descending, only narrowly missing our destination.

"Terezi! Are you ok?" I could hear my sister call out to me.

"Latula! Where are you?" I tried to respond, but all I could see was black. Where am I?

Once we found each other, a paramedics crew came to check out the scene. I was blinded by the impact, and there was no return. I was kept in a hospital. Despite this sudden problem, I still insisted on going to the school, since my scourge sister Vriska attended the school, and my sister got a job as the gym teacher.

Now Im here in this new school as a new kid, being led by a stranger through the halls of this unfamiliar place.

"Your name is Karkat, right?" I ask him as he showed me around the cafeteria.

"Yes, why?" He responded, still walking ahead of me.

"Can I call you Karkles?" I ask, grinning.

"I honestly don't care so go ahead." He turns to look at me, as if he's tired of my bullshit.

"Cool." We keep walking.

We finally arrived in the courtyard, where we stopped at a huge fountain. He took a seat on a white, polished stone bench. I took a seat next to him, taking in the smell of my new school.

"Well, that about ends our tour. We have to head back, so yeah." He starts to get up, but I stop him.

"Thanks for showing me around." I smile.

"Your welcome. Hey, can I ask you something?" He asks, turning back at me.


"Can we be friends?"

I look at him, puzzled, but I accept gladly.

"Of course you dummy!"

I sling my arm around his shoulder, heading back to our class.

I could have sworn I smelled a girl walk away before we went inside.

ShoujoStuck[Warning: CONTAINS CLICHÈS]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن