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Terezi's POV


Ugh, what a fucking alarm! I can't believe I literally recorded Latula screaming for my alarm clock. I switch off my digital alarm clock on my side table, and start putting on my uniform. My family has left for work, so Im stuck attempting to prepare breakfast for myself. I decide to eat one of my numerous sandwiches for breakfast, just to save time.

Once I finished brushing my teeth,I walked and waited at the corner where we met all our friends. I don't really want to show my friends where I live, considering that I live in a villa, and well... Lets just say I live with a lot of the "snooty" people in our school.

To my surprise, the next person to arrive is Karkat.

"Hey Terezi. Dammit. I thought I could beat you here." He greets me, somewhat frustrated.

"Hehe! Arrive earlier!" I laugh and we both wait together.

Soon enough, the rest of our squad came. Before long, everyone was hanging out in the courtyard, waiting for the bell to ring.

"Hey guys, I was just uhh, wondering if uh, we could study together?" Tavros suddenly asks us.

"Sure, pupa." Vriska replies.

"I didn't give my consen-MMPHH!" Karat started up, but I silenced him.

"Sure thing! How about after school in the library?" I replied, still silencing Karkat, who soon gave in.

-Time skip.-

John's POV

Today was a normal day with the squad, including our newest member, Terezi. They just filled me in on the news about us studying after school.

"Sure thing! Im up for it!" My response was.

In reality, I needed the help. Lets just say, it had to make up for getting a scratch on my record. I was in serious need.


"Jake! Can you help me?" I ran up to him as he was heading upstairs.

"Sorry John, no can do! Im heading to the movies after school with my friends!" he turned around, almost dropping the stack of books he was carrying.

"Yeah, he's busy." Dirk appeared behind him, taking a few books.


So yeah. Not good. Lucky for me, I get to study, which will probably kill me on the inside, but worth it! Plus, I get to hang out with a fellow Nic Cage fan!

Nepeta's POV

Today we are all studying! This is not only good for my grades, but also good for me! This means I can get closer to Karkitty. Hopefully.

-Later on..-

Everyone was gathered at a long table, waiting for the rest to arrive. So far, no signs of Terezi and Vriska.

"Uhh, should we start-"

"WE'RE BAACK~!" Vriska yells, making the whole library look at us, and shush us.

"Good going Vriska.." Terezi sighs, as she walks to our table, putting a bag on top of it.

"We bought ice-cream." She says while taking out a cherry popsicle in a shape of a star.

I look inside. There were cookie cats! I quickly take one and rip off the plastic hungrily. This is a feast from the heavens! I watch everyone take a popsicle or ice-cream, as I devour the ice-cream sandwich, savoring its sweet and bitter taste. DELICIOUS. 

We soon start studying about Henry Avery, Math, and other subjects to prepare for the upcoming test tomorrow. I couldn't exactly focus, much to my dismay. I just watched some of my friends. Many of my OTP's were happening! There was GamTav (They were looking at the same book!!), JohnVris (Probably planning a new Nic Cage movie to watch over the weekend.), and so many more! I just wish I was in one of my ships. I could see Terezi and Karat doing something on a sheet of paper. On closer inspection, I saw that they were doodling together! I bet I could maybe draw better..

"Its now or never Leijon!" I think to myself as I walk over to Karkitty.

"U-Um, Karki- Karkat. Can you come with me over h-here?" I ask him nervously.

"Sure. What is it?" He asks as we walk to the other side of the bookshelf.

"Karkitty.. Will you d-date me?" I ask, not meeting his gaze.

Karkat's POV

Oh fuck. Nepeta is a friend of mine, but I really don't want to hurt her feelings. I just don't feel the same way!

"Oh. Um, sure." I respond.

FUCK! That was supposed to be a NO! I hate my life! I see her squeal with delight and run off to tell our friends. I told Terezi I like her as a friend, now I have to explain! I watch with embarrassment as she announces to everyone at the table. I see John and Vriska almost drop their food, and Tavros smiling, because this is probably Nepeta's dream come true. Which is a LIE. Terezi throws me a look that plainly says, "Explain." For fucks sake.

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