Chapter 25 Izy vs Gluttony

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Izy once entering the land scape noticed a lifeless field. "Oh your here", Gluttony said as he's eating the last living thing in the land. "I'M ENDING THIS QUICKLY", Izy said bursting with machine upgrades he attacks gluttony but gets bounced back thanks to his giant belly. Gluttony getting hungry tries grab Izy. As Gluttony spits acid on Izy melting his armor. Izy and Gluttony punch each other with little to no effect. Izy soon gets an idea to kill Gluttony. Izy charges up all his weapons. BOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IZY FIRED EVERYTHING OUT OF HIM MISSILES BEAMS LAZERS ENERGY WAVES HIS VERY CORE AS GLUTTONY JUST KEEPS EATING ALL OF IT. "COME ON WHY ISN'T HE DEAD," Izy said continuing the assault as he doesn't notice his battery running low  30% left. Izy runs out of fire arms but still attacks with rocket punches. 20% left Izy finally understanding how these guys can beat Garrett. "So we really stood no chance with these guys huh", Izy said to himself. 10% left Izy rockets himself into the mouth of Gluttony being eaten. "SELF DESTRUCT" IZY BLOWS HIMSELF UP ALONG WITH GLUTTONY BUT EVEN AFTER ALL THAT GLUTTONY STILL STANDS IZY TRIES TO BEST GLUTTONY IN FIST TO FIST COMBAT but in the end they both fall down Gluttony turns to ash and Izy 0% power left.

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