Chapter 29 The End

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Dark Lord across the multiverse saw the destruction of the universe and saw only 1 being standing in it Pride but somehow he senses 2 beings 1 being Pride the other unknown however he still goes to face Pride. "AHAHAHHAHAHAHA WOW NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT HE WOULD DESTROY EVERYTHING FOR ME IT'S LIKE A DREAM COME TRUE however without anything left this is place boring," Pride said.   "Well allow me to entertain you," Dark Lord said jetting in. Pride immediately accepted the challenge and fought Dark Lord who was doing better against Pride actually doing damage the cosmos shakes as 2 beings go at it for the last time. Dark Lord lost with impalement. "There's only one and there will only be one", Pride said. "Yep I completely agree", A voice called. " Who are you," Pride questioned. "Hey I am a higher being but you can call me Cosmic Camron CC for short", CC said. "Higher being bullshit and I thought Camron died", Pride said. "He did die at least this universes Camron did but there is a number of universes with Camron in them like Superman Camron in the gods within us universe, or a dragon Camron from Mythos and then there's this universes Camron elementals," CC said. "DOESN'T MAKE A DAMN DIFFERENCE YOUR STILL GOING DOWN", Pride said attacking. CC stops Pride easily. "You fool", CC said destroying Pride without any effort. "You see you need to understand I'm the strongest Camron in all of creation someone like you isn't much", CC said. "I am sorry for the lack of story I lost interest and just needed to finish this story up no hard feelings it happens I really do hope you enjoyed this story as well as the others thank you and have a great life but I will tell you this it will only get better if I'm involved," Cosmic Camron said leaving to his own universe. The universe was destroyed along with it's dark counterpart. "Really man that was not needed", CC said. "Whatever it was a dead universe anyway, Magic Matthew said. "True well I mean come on our universes version of us are basically god like beings, "CC said proudly. They leave to there universe at least to continue there own adventure. "But that's a story for another time, " Cosmic Camron said to the reader.  

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