Chapter 6

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"Natsu, I need to leave," you said, pulling said boy off your legs. You and Natsu had left the guild a while before the party got too out if hand. The both of you left back to the little cottage you had in the woods.

"Onii-chan! Don't leave me..." his voice became quieter, "like Igneel did..." this statement caused you to stop in your tracks. "Like Igneel did," you thought. Is that really how he sees it? Sighing, you pull him into a tight hug.

"I'm not leaving you. I'm just going on a mission, okay," it was true. Your weren't lying when you said you were going on a mission. Although, not your average mission. You wanted to visit Tenrou Island, where you grew up. Tenrou Island was Fairy Tail's sacred land, and because you were part of Fairy Tail, you would be permitted to go there.

"If your going on a mission, then I'm going with you." Natsu declared, pushing you away and grabbing his stuff.

"No." you bluntly answered, seeing his face become scrunched up made you continue, "this mission is way too hard and dangerous for you. You'll surly get yourself killed." came your reason, emphasizing the and. In addition to seeking out Tenrou Island, you also wanted to explore the world. You didn't want to just know Magnolia, you wanted to know what it was like in the outside world.

"As long as I get to be with my sister, I don't care if I die." Natsu protested stubbornly. Sighing, you declined his statement.

"A true sister wouldn't let her brother get killed. She would keep him safe." these words seemed to strike him deeply.

"I'm still going!" Natsu declared once again. Rolling your eyes, you headed out for the guild.

-~>Small Time Skip<~-

You walked through Magnolia, playing with your gloves. Igneel had given you them when you first met him. They were made of dragon scales in a color scheme of fire. Being your most prized possession, you never took them off. They were just like Natsu's scarf, he never took it off.


Both you and Natsu had reached the guild. Walking in, you saw the guild still making the same amount of ruckus it usually does. Natsu ran off to his friends, which you had learned the names and magic types of. There was Gray who uses ice-make, Erza uses requip, and Lisanna and Elfman who both use take-over. You hadn't had time to learn everyone's magic types, but you learned a few of them. You walked over to the stairs on the side, unnoticed by anyone. Even though only S-class mages were allowed to go up the stairs, you went up anyway. You needed to talk to Gramps. You walked up the stairs and to Gramps' office, knocking in the door.

"Come in." a you hear a voice from the other side of the door say. You open the door to see Gramps sitting at his desk scrawling words on a piece of paper. After a minute, he looks up at you and says, "What do you need child?"

"W-well... I-I plan on leaving the guild to go exploring on my own." you declare, slowly getting more confident as you speak. His eyes grow wide for a second before shrinking back again. Suddenly, you heard the door slam open and both you and Gramps turn to see Laxus with a furious expression, panting in the doorway. Your eyes widen slightly as you have never seen Laxus with an expression other than monotone. His eyes widen greatly in seeing you and you notice Gramps' aura grow dark and menacing.

"U-Umm... Gramps. I'm going to be going... Also, I'm leaving tonight." you quickly say and without awaiting his permission, you quickly walk to the door. But right before you can make it out the door, Gramps says something to you.

"Be safe child!" he mutters, but you still hear him. You turn your back to him with tears in your eyes and quickly walk out, shutting the door on the way. You walk over to the stairs and wipe your tears away. You look back at the door to his office before starting to walk down. After step down the first step, you hear yelling in his office. You didn't mean to eavesdrop, but you hear something that makes your heart stop.

"Are you really gonna let her go! She's going to get herself killed out there! What kind of guild master are you! Letting your members get themselves killed!" you hear none other than Laxus yell at Gramps. You eyes widen at his statements.

"He heard the whole thing..." was what went through your head as you heard the door slam open, with a furious Laxus stomping out with lightning particles surrounding him. He quickly stomps past you and down the stairs while the whole guild turns to look at him. He stomps out of the guild, slamming the door behind him. You stare at the guild doors as everyone goes back to what they were doing. You shake your head lightly and walk down the stairs to find Natsu. You find Natsu with a girl with white hair, Lisanna is her name. She's giggling whereas Natsu has his arms crossed and has a blush across his face. She stops giggling when she sees you walking up to the both of them and runs up to you and jumps on you for a hug. You stumble back a little before regaining your balance and hugging her back.

"How are you doing Lisanna?" you ask her, pinching her cheeks.
"I've just been talking to Natsu." she beams, looking up at me with a bright smile.

"Well I need to go talk to him okay?" you say before putting her down and patting her head. You walk over to Natsu, still with his arms crossed looking like he's going to cry. You walk up to him and kneel down so you could see his face. You put your hand under his chin and tilt his chin up to make him look at you.

"Hey Natsu. Are you okay?" he just nods his head a beams you a pretty convincing smile. "Well I'm going to be going around town to see if we can get some food okay? When your done here at the guild, you can go on home okay?" you instruct him, a serious tone in your voice. He just nods his head a you and runs off to find his friends again. You watch him leave as you mutter these last words...

"I'm sorry, Natsu."

A/N ~ This chapter is a bit late, yes I know. But it is pretty long. Expect the chapters to come out later than usual because as of now, I have two stories to write and I'm trying to make them longer. Anyways, the picture is of your dragon scale gloves. *thumbs up* I'm happy if your enjoying the story and there will be more chapters to come so hold on! :D

A Spark of Fire (Dragon Slayers X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now