World Stop!

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I yell 'World stop!' And it obeys. Everything stops in its tracks. The leaves falling, the cars moving, the open mouths of motorists. Everything.

I can sing as loudly and offkey as I want, I can read without fear of either time or responsibility. I can write undisturbed.

I can correct stuff. Put the bag back from where it was taken. Paste incriminating evidence on a perpetrator. Unleash the maltreated dog.

I can be selfish, I can be heroic. I can be anything with this power. But it's all in my head.

If I yell 'World stop!', the people will stop in their tracks, turn and wonder what on Earth is wrong with that girl.


This is a superpower that I have ALWAYS wanted to have.  If memory serves me right, I was nine when I first had this epic fantasy of having this power.

What superpowers would you like? What will you do with it?

- KC

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