I Wonder

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I Wonder : Zaynah aka Shadow Queen

The pitter- patter of feet echo in my head. The travails of those on their way to earn their daily bread. Their natter, not unknown to me.

And I hated it. I wanted, no I am, more than all this. No opportunities were given. The little I had was taken away.


I'll find you little brother. And everything will be fine. Father will no longer impose sufferings on us. I have the power now. It'll be all okay.

But I still wonder...

What'd be like to delve into the history of my people again. Fill my head with wonder and imagine myself as one of those.

Those who had no pain in their lives. No aches and laying awake at night.

I wonder...

What it'd be like to hold the diploma, have my parents, together and smiling. No tattered clothing but finery. And Saheed will be there. And Asim too.

I wonder...

How people feel, fulfilling their dreams.

You have new dreams now.

A voice came to me.

Yes, dreams. Worth immortality. No more weakness . That's all people are. I am not a person.


I'm the Shadow Queen.


This is a Born Of Shadow by SarahBensonBooks oneshot fanfic. As I scrolled through the others, I noticed there were none about Zaynah as she is the 'villain'. So I decided to tell her story.

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