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15 years ago a baby girl was born. She wasn't a normal baby , she was a vampire baby. She lived in this Vampire World. This world was like the human world just filled with vampires.  They went to the human world to feed and possibly learn about humans. They live like humans . Now to get back to this story I am going to tell you it goes like this.....

 Back in 1998 a baby girl named Snow was born. She had naturally white hair and an eye color that changed from gray to red. She had pale skin she was a beautiful little baby.  Her mother and  father were King and Queen Theodore and Alexandria Berry.

      They both only had one child . She was Snow. Snows full name is Snow Bunny Berry. She was a polite little child . Everyone got along with Snow. Even Lilith, Lilith is Snows Godmother.  If something happen to Alexandria,  for example , if Alexandria dies, Lilith becomes Snows step mother unless Theodore refuses. Lilith was in love with Theodore . She'd do anything to replace Alexandria.

           While Theodore went to go feed snow  he suddenly herd a crash and a scream.  He dashed to the other room and saw that his love was   bleeding ," Alexandria!" He shouted with fear of his love dying.

     " My Love don't worry I am not gone yet I will  still  be alive to tell you this," she paused and then said," Take care of Snow and don't marry Lilith she is pure evil. Know that she is just trying to replace me. " She was looking into his eyes. 

     " Don't worry my love I will never get re-married, unless I was forced to  marry her . If I do I wont truly love her," he was felling a lot of sorrow.

       " I need Snow now before I die I am slowly fading," she called the servant boy named James.

James brought Snow . " Snow my young darling," she looked in to her eyes," I am going to give you powers and immortality just touch my forehead and you will get my powers," Snow touched her others forehead and gained all the powers." For me to come back to life you must become Queen."

Alexandria handed Snow a necklace and whispered keep this  it will be a way for me to communicate with you when you go to a human school. And remember to  bug your father to take you.

Slowly she makes a hand movement for James to come and she whispered to  him , when your son become 15 may both meet in the same school , and have him protect her and while I am gone too.

" I must go I love you all , I love you Theodore, And Snow and you too Step brother."  said she was dying and soon enough she just stayed frozen dead on the floor.

     " Bye my love." He kissed her forehead and started crying . The man never cries, not till that day.

"Sir, your child."  Said James.

" Yes bring her here ." He ordered him.    

  While James brought Snow he wiped his tears, and then said," My child I will take care of you and do as you wish you are my princesses and soon the ruler or the kingdom."

While holding his child he kissed his loves corpse and then got up walking to  Snows room and put her to sleep . Watching her sleep he falls asleep in the same room.


Hello hoped you liked it .


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