chapther-4 Just best friends

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One month latter.....

October 30th......

"So snow what are you doing for Halloween?"asked Tom.  

    I was no longer mad at him since he begged for me to accept his apology. It took me a while. I mean he was with a girl who is in love with him.

      "Well I am going to my moms coffin then go and  pass out candy at my aunts bakery  ."

" Boring hey wanna go to the cemetery with me? " He asked.

"Well I mean lets all go. "

"Sure  ." I said.

"Yeah." the twins said

"yeah ," Kitty said.

"Okay ." Tim said .

I am so happy Melissa wasn't here. She always tries to get into everything . I mean for some reason I just don't like her. 

"Okay then its settled."

The bell rang and I headed to my next class witch was hell Physical Ed. I hate it I mean I don't like the fact of working up for a thing that is just to essay for me.

   Once I got into the girls locker room. No surprise I saw Lilith . She I don't know why but she is the head coach assistant . I know that a lot has happened since mom died. I don't know much about her but I know Lilith is a bitch for trying to take her place.

" Okay girls get dressed out were going to run laps ,"  said coach Rebecca.

I got to my gym locker trying to remember my combination. 22-14-01. Nope.  17-12-10 yes!

Once I opened my locker I found 4 notes stuffed in . I read them all.

One said :

Dear Princesses Whore,

Stop flirting with two cute guys

All us girls want a chance .

I read the next one. It seemed to be the nicest one. I read it and it said:

Hey Snow ,

I wanted to tell you 4 girls are going to kidnap you . So watch out.

PS you better get dressed out

     - K.C. Charles 

I didn't bother to read the next two being scared of getting kidnapped . What do they mean by that? Does it mean I am going to be gone for a long time.  I don't know but I needed to watch my own back.

I got dressed out and walked with the rest of the girls to the track. I had not need to stop with the rest I just had 4 laps to run and then the rest to walk.

   Coach Rebecca told us to get warmed up before we run.  Luckily I am supper flexible. The guys came in to join us girls.  I know for a fact I might be a bit slower because I would be distracted. I was cloudy out side so I was fine .

   "Ready ? On your mark, get set. Go!"

I ran as fast as I could . I didn't run out of breath. Of course. I ran all four laps. Once I finished I asked the coach my time. 

"8 minuets and 45.84 Seconds New record." Coach Rebecca was my favorite coach.  To be honest  I felt as she was like a mom to me. 

"Go get some water Sport. You did great."

As I walked to the fountain I saw two girls. They kept staring at me . Once I went for a sip, one girl put a bandana on my mouth covering me . She tied my hands with a rope. The other girl tried to put me to sleep.

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