Part 6~A sleep over week part 1

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"What the heck?" I arched an eyebrow up, waking up from a dream..
Ah It's morning and halloween's done.
"Hey Sakura." Ino said, opening the door.
"Oh hey." I said, nodding.
"The Halloween last night was wicked!" Tenten exclaimed walking into my room.
"Yeah! At least we figured out the switches," Temari said.
"It would've been easier if Sakura have done it," Ino chuckled.
"You mean my dream is real?" I asked squinting and pinching myself.
"I-it isn't a dr-dream.. Sakur-Sakura-Chan." Hinata chuckled lightly.
To be honest, Hinata is like an angel.
"Ah? So why have I woke up here?" I ask.
Ino smirks,"Well, you fainted after the doll said 'DadadaddadadDadadadaddadaaddada' and we had to solve the switches, and Shikamaru done it but it took a while, so when you fainted, Sasuke carried you to the car and carried you here with the help of Asuka and Naruto, then he told us you were so light!"
"What?" I ask in embarrassment,"Sasuke carried me?"
They nod.
My phone, Tenten's, Ino's, Temari's and Hinata's phone vibrated and our song, 'No' played.
We answered and they went to their rooms and I stayed in mine, the caller id was Sasuke.
"Hello?" I say.
"Hey." He says coolly.
"What's up?" I ask brightly.
"Uh.. Dobe said if you girls want to go to ours and go for a.. You know sleepover for this free week." He says.
I chuckle lightly.


I dial Sakura's number.
"Hello?" She says.
"Hey." I say coolly.
"What's up?" She asks brightly.
"Uh.. Dobe said if you girls want to go to ours and go for a.. You know sleepover for this free week." I say.
She chuckles lightly..
Man, I love it when she chuckles.. She's like an.. An.. An angel.
"Wh-why are you chuckling?" I ask.
"Why are you stuttering?" She asks, laughing.
"It's nothing.. Are you girls coming or what?" I say, a little too harsh.
She giggles.
"Geeze, don't be so harsh, and of course we'll come!" She says.
"Okay. Meet you girls out the gates at school tomorrow." I say calmly.
"Uhuh.. Bye Duck-Butt." She says giggling.
I sighed and went to gaze out side.
Hey Sasuke
Wha? Why do I have an inner?!
Since when did you stay in my head?!
Since you started falling for Sakura, duh
What?! I don't like-
Shaddap, Sasuke, you do
Ah fine -_-
Secret out! Now all I need to do is umm.. Well bye Sasuke!
That was weird..


"Uh.. Hello?" I say.
"Hey Ino, it's Sai," he said in a friendly way.
"Why did you call?" I ask as polite as I could.
"Um.. Naruto told us to invite you girls for a sleepover at ours and uh.. Tomorrow after school," He said shyly,"Will you come?"
"That kid never learns," I mutter.
"Is that a.. No?" He asks sadly.
I chuckle,"It's a yes! I'm coming of course!"
"Oh! Great to hear. Thanks Ino," He says bashfully.

Next day


"Wake up, Sakura-Chan," Asuka said.
"Okay.. What's for breakfast?" I ask.
"Tuna with egg." She says politely.
"Oh really?!" Now that gave me so much energy.. I loved Tuna with egg.
I dashed downstairs and frowned,"Did you finish it?"
"That's very funny, Sakura, we won't finish it. Besides we know it's your favorite." Ino said.
After breakfast we went to school.
A letter was on my desk, colored red with an Uzumaki symbol oh great, no need to guess who this belongs to.
It belonged to that damned red haired Uzumaki.
I know, inner.
Well then. Open it.
I opened the letter.

Oh hey Pinky,
Sasuke's mine so back away from him!
And if you don't, then I'll go hunting you down.
Anyway, Sasuke likes me >;)
So back away, Pinky
from:The most byutiful girl

Hah! The most beautiful girl?! Look Inner!
I'm dying, mentally.. Her grammar!!
I am too!
And I wrote back:

Karin Uzumaki,
I won't back away from Uchiha Sasuke, he's my friend
And no one calls me pinky.
And your 'byutiful' is so wrong XD

Sincerely yours,
Pink head Haruno.

Just then, Kakashi Sensei came in, we greet

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