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       The wolves watched from afar, taking in the repulsive scene before them. Vampires. "Bloody vampires think they own the place," Josh Devine, one of Niall's best friends, spat.

         "Calm your tits bro," Niall laughed. His dyed blond hair had grown out leaving brown roots and was currently falling on his face as he was too lazy to style it that morning. His blue eyes crinkled as he laughed at the irritated boy that laid in front of him. The pack were glaring the direction of the vampires from somewhere behind the group, it had always been that way. On the other side the vampires all seemed to be surrounding a boy. One Niall had never seen before. He shrugged it off, he didn't care and he shouldn't.

         “I just can't stand them!" josh run a hand through his dark brown hair, messing up his quaff in the process. He was wearing a tank top that day, exposing his mark. He had a massive lion on his bicep and Niall always wondered what his mate's mark would look like.

      "They can't stand you either so just stay away," Zayn, the last member in their little group, advised looking up from the sketchbook he'd been silently drawing in.

        Zayn was the "bad boy" of the group. His skin was tanned because of his Pakistani inheritance. He had hazel eyes that were framed by dark long lashes that made any girl jealous. His dark hair was always styled into a perfect quaff that put Josh’s to shame.  He rolled up the sleeves of his black sweater revealing his sleeve tattoo. It was almost impossible to know which of his various tattoo’s was his actual mark. But of course everyone in the coven knew. It was the life sized microphone he had on his wrist.

         "Hey babe!" Perrie, his mate, greeted as she walked up to us and sat on his lap. He suddenly lost all interest in the sketch book and dropped it on the smooth grass under the cherry blossom tree they were under.

        "Hi," he smiled linking his fingers with hers. Perrie Edward had music notes on her wrist where Zayn had his and as soon as their fingers linked, their marks started glowing. Niall smiled at the couple, he was really dying to know who his mate was. The suspense was killing him inside. He looked behind where his fellow wolves were sitting. Wolves like staying together in a huge group. Even so he could see the girls and guys with their hands linked, their signs glowing somewhere on their bodies. Niall's eyes looked around the school courtyard. His eyes landed on a couple, both guys, feeding each other grapes. They looked so cute together, every couple did. You didn't decide who to fall in love with, the choice was made for you.

       They had a perfect view we always sat between the vampires and wolves and with their advanced hearing they could hear all the gossip. "Malik, Horan, Edwards, Devine how many time do we have to tell you that you're not allowed to sit there!" Mr. Leathers, the principle, yelled.

         "Sorry." Niall smiled sheepishly getting up from his very comfortable spot. “We’ll just…leave,” he said as his friends got up. He attempted to jump over the knee high fence but his leg got caught up on the damned thing and he was falling forward. He braced himself to feel the pain of his skin scrape on the rough floor but instead he felt strong hands on his arms steadying him.

         "you ok?" A deep, sexy, raspy voice asked.

       "y-yeah, thanks," Niall stammered as the boy let him go. Niall dusted non-existent dust off of himself. He looked up hesitantly at his savior. Blue eyes met green. There was something so beautiful and attracting about the green eyed stranger.

         "Eh, I'm Harry...Styles," The boy stammered. It was strange for him, he was usually confident but this boy who he had never seen before made him act like a fourteen year old school girl.

         "N-Niall Horan," Niall stuttered out. Harry smiled at him making him blush and gain sudden interest to the floor. What was happening to him?

         "You’re Irish," Harry stated.

         "y-yeah.....just moved to London," Niall cursed himself for stuttering again.

         "No wonder why I’ve never seen you before," Harry smiled running a hand through his curly hair.

         Niall looked up at him. His hair was pulled back in some sort of curly quaff, his eyes were this shade of emerald green and he had dimples! Honestly Niall didn't know what to say but felt the need to speak. "Ummm...I....nice meeting you," he whispered the last part. He never felt like slapping himself more. Harry stretched out his hand with a smile, timidly, Niall slipped his fingers into Harry's big hands. A spark shot up his arm making him jerk back. He stared at his hand. What was that? He looked up at Harry with big blue eyes. Harry was looking at his hand. Did he feel it too?

         "Harry get your arse over here!" a boy with feathery, chestnut brown hair called, snapping the couple out of their trance.

         "Well, see you later," Harry gave the boy a smile. "Yeah....see you," Niall managed. Harry nodded and walked to his friends and Niall turned to find his. But both boys were thinking of the same thing. What was that sensation?

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