chapter 2

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 Niall's POV

     "What's wrong with Niall?" Zayn whispered to Josh.

       "I don't know, maybe it's because his dad came back," Josh whispered back with a shrug.

     "I can hear you, you know," I pouted. They both furrowed their eyebrows. They looked at each other and Josh shrugged.

       "Spill the beans," Zayn said.

       "No somebody will hear," I refused.

     "Well the dispell is still up so nobody should be able to hear," Josh said looking around him. It was always a problem when students used their abilities on campus, so they developed a spell that made all supernatural abilities stop working. It's a good thing considering vampires and were-wolves always fought. So we were all practically humans. But all students eventually figured out that the spell doesn't reach the courtyard.

      "Ok so," I started looking around to make sure nobody could hear us. "Last night-"

      "You got laid?" Josh asked.

    "No! Anyways so you know the way I told you that I had to go meet my neighbor?" I asked my friends. They both nodded eagerly. "Turns out that he was my mate!" I squealed softly.

     "Holly shit! It's a guy, who is he?" Zayn questioned.

     "Harry, he goes here," I said excitedly.

     "Wait Harry? Like Harry Styles?" Zayn's smiled disappeared along with Josh's. I nodded.

     "Oh god Niall, why did it have to be him?" Josh groaned running a hand through his hair.

     "What's wrong?" I asked.

    "He's like a vampire popular along with his three friends Liam and Louis," Zayn explained.

    "So?" I asked

    "Do you know how many girls and even guys are gonna try hurt you and the fact that you're a wolf, Niall you're fucked," Josh added on.

  "Guys you're over reacting, and plus I'm so in love with him even though we just officially met yesterday, he's sweet he drove me to school this morning," I smiled. They boys looked at each other and at me again. "Stop worrying I'm fine," I assured.

    "Mr. Horan! You are being disruptive!" Mrs. Williams scolded me from across the room.

    "Sorry," I apologized and got back to my English work. "How much time left?"

    Zayn looked at his watch "Two hours." I groaned. I couldn't wait for lunch. All I wanted to do was find Harry and cuddle him again.      

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