Castle Skaia

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"Calm down, Dave," Dirk scoffed at his little brother. It was to be Dave's first day at Castle Skaia as the youngest prince's special knight. Each prince and princess had a knight just for them because the king couldn't always be there for them.

"What if I don't make a good first impression? What if he doesn't like me? What if something goes wrong and I'm not paying attention? What if-"

"That is ENOUGH, Dave!" Dirk haulted his horse, "You are going to do fine! Prince John is the nicest out of all the royalty in the palace!"

Dave took a shaky breath, "Sorry, bro. I'm just incredibly nervous."

"And I get that," Dirk nodded, "But it's going to be fine." The horses took off down the trail as the silhouette of Castle Skaia grew over the horizon.

In mere minutes, they reached the castle walls. The drawbridge lowered over the wide moat and Dirk sped across. Dave followed slowly, taking in the scenery. The village was huge. A few peasants walked onto the street in Dirk and Dave's path. Dirk shouted at them and rode along. Dave rode by at a snail's pace, looking at all of the hopeful faces. One woman in particular stepped up to him and tugged on his cape.

"Uh, hi," she smiled, "My- my name is Vriska and I wanted to know if you could deliver this to Prince John for me?"

Dave smiled and took the paper.

"Thank you," Vriska bowed and backed away.

"Dave! Come on, you'll be late!" Dirk shouted from ahead. Dave glanced back at the woman, nodded and rode to catch up with his brother. At the palace door, Dirk jumped off his horse and Dave followed suit.

"Now, when we go in remember; no speaking unless you are spoken to unless it's urgent. John is the one with blue glasses and black spiked-up hair."

"He sounds like a nerd," Dave mumbled.

"You say that now."

They walked into the castle and Dave's senses were overtaken by the smell of cake.

"Also," Dirk smiled, "get used to cake."

On the highest floor was the throne room. Dirk knocked on the grand door twice and it swung open. Dirk lifted his head and marched in. Dave tried his best to do exactly what Dirk was doing. At the front of the room there was one big throne which had two smaller thrones on each side.

In the largest throne was obviously the king. On the king's right was a boy with green glasses... And black hair. They all had black hair. Next to the boy with green glasses was a girl with blue glasses.

Oh my god. They all have black hair and glasses.

On the king's left was a girl with black glasses. They were round, unlike all the others. The last one was a boy with blue glasses. That must be John.

Suddenly, the king stood, bringing Dave out of his trance.

"Hello, Dirk. You must be Dave," the king bowed slightly and Dave returned the bow in a fast, clumsy manner.

"Y-yes sir. It will be my pleasure to watch over who ever you wish for me to." John covered his mouth and his shoulders bounced.

"Yes," the king laughed, "You will be in charge of Prince John over there. In case you didn't know, I'm King Egbert."

Dave looked up and over at John, still laughing. Dave raised an eyebrow which John obviously saw because he covered his face and his shoulders quit bouncing.

"Over here," King Egbert motioned to his right, "We have Jake, the oldest. His knight is Dirk, and you already know him, obviously. Then there's Jane. Her knight is Rox. He's a... peculiar fellow but she enjoys his company."

Dave laughed a bit and Dirk shot him a glance.

King Egbert turned left, "This is Jade. Her knight is Karkat. He does a good job protecting her, but she doesn't seem to like him too much. Finally, my youngest is John. You are to follow him wherever he may go and watch over him. If he is hurt or killed, there will be consequences."

Dave began to sweat and gave a nervous smile. He knew the proper greeting of knights and princes, but he was hesitant. He stood up and walked right in front of John. He knelt on one knee as John stood. John extended his hand and Dave placed a soft kiss upon it, "I do solemnly swear that I will protect John with my life until the day I die."

John smiled, "I'm glad."

Dave almost choked, hearing how cute his voice was. He looked up and felt the blush grow on his face. John was incredibly good looking. For a nerd.

Dirk coughed a bit, signaling for Dave to stop staring and get back to him. Dave didn't hear the cough for a second and stared into John's deep blue eyes. His soft smile warmed Dave's heart and Dave stood, bowed and walked back to Dirk.

"I trust that now all of my princes and princesses are in the best hands. You two are dismissed," King Egbert waved his hand and Dave followed Dirk out of the throne room.

"I was right, you know," Dave smirked at Dirk. 

"How so?"

"John is totally a nerd, but a hot one at that."

Dirk smiled, "I knew you'd come around."

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