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Dave settled down to sleep, but he couldn't. He was laying down and staring at the ceiling. Lost in thought.

"What will happen to me if I do fail? What will happen if-"

A sudden scream sounded from the next room and Dave sat upright. He laid a hand on his sword and stood, listening for another sign.
Another scream rang out and he kicked the door in, holding his sword out, "What's going on?!"

John was sitting upright on his bed, crying and shaking uncontrollably. He glanced up at Dave and tore his gaze away. Dave immediately understood what was going on. He let his sword crash to the ground and he ran to the bed.

"May I, uh, sit down with you?" Dave stood at attention, rather awkwardly.
John smirked at his knightly attempt and patted the bed next to him. Dave sat and began to put his arm around John's shoulder, "Uh, can I-"

John buried his he'd in Dave's chest with his arms wrapped around his torso, and he cried. He sobbed violently into Dave's shirt. At first, he didn't move. He just stared at John with his mouth ajar. A prince was hugging him. He slowly latched his arms around John and brought him close.

"Hey, i- it's okay! Could you tell me about your nightmare?"

John sniffled and looked up at him. His eyes were puffed up and red and he had tear stains cascading down his face. He nodded and bit his lip as he pulled away, "Sorry For staining your shirt with my sadness."

Dave chuckled, "Its no problem, really. So, really, what's up?"

"Well," John sighed, "I've been having nightmares pretty much my entire life. About... about my mom."

Dave suddenly became silent and he swallowed hard, "Your-Mom?"

John nodded, "When I was four, the castle was attacked. They took her. They took my mom and they took my dad too, but he escaped. He tried going back for my mom but they- they...."

He began crying again and Dave pulled him in for another embrace, "You don't have to tell me. It's okay. Nothing is going to happen to you. I swear."

He nodded and looked up at Dave, smiling despite how much pain he was in, "Thank you, Dave. I really... appreciate it. It's just that-"

He shook his head and began crying again, "I'm sorry, you must think I'm a huge cry baby or something."

"Not at all, no," Dave smiled sympathetically down at him. John's body shook as he poured his eyes out. Dave caressed his hair and rocked him back and forth.
Maybe singing something could help?

He inhaled deeply and began singing quietly while rocking John to the rhythm. John's body became heavy in Dave's arms and soon, he was snoring.
Dave ceased singing and smiled down at him.
"Finally," he began to move John's body off of him but John stirred. He gritted his teeth and began breathing shakily, all while sleeping. Dave hesitated, but then decided that it would be best if he stayed.

He stretched his body out in John's bed and held him close, "Goodnight John."

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