Seeking Vengeance

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"What is the meaning of this?!" King Egbert's great voice echoed throughout the throne room. All of the seats around him were taken by a prince or a princess. All but one.

"Sir, I swear if I could have some something I would have! I wouldn't just stand there and let her die! We trusted him so I didn't think much of them out there by themselves. We all trusted him. I'm sorry. We've failed," Dirk was on one knee, near tears. Dave was following suit right next to him, as was Rox on Dirk's left.

The king sighed heavily and sank into his throne, "I understand. You kept your assigned safe and you put up a fight. That's all that matters. Thank you, Dirk. Dave. Rox. You're all dismissed."

He buried his face in his hands and his shoulders bounced slightly. The knights left before the king could do anything else.

"What do we do now?" Dave asked Dirk.

"We stick to our assigned and we fight until we die," Rox spoke up.

Dirk and Dave were both slightly taken aback by Rox's response, "Rox? You can speak?"

Roxy laughed weakly and nodded, "I can, indeed. And I'd prefer you call me Roxy now," she took her helmet off and flipped her hair around.

Both of the Striders' mouths dropped open, "And we've been fighting alongside a girl?"

She furrowed her brows, "Without me, you'd be dead, Strider. Remember when you were locked onto your target and that one guy came up from the back? Who saved you, again?"

Dirk sighed impatiently, "Yeah, yeah. You did, Rox-y."

She beamed proudly, "That I did. And don't forget it."

Dirk smirked and shook his head, "You're uptight," he turned around and headed for Jake's corridor. Roxy ruffled Dave's hair and headed for Jane's. Dave stood still, watching them depart. He then turned his own way and made it to John's room.

"Hey John. I'm, uh, sorry about your sister," Dave rubbed the back of his neck. All he could think of was what if John didn't trust him anymore?

John shook his head. His back was turned to Dave, "Its not your fault."

There was an uneasy tension in the room, "Or what if it was?"

Dave was shocked at this statement, "J-John why would you think that? I didn't do anything wrong!"

He was up from the bed with his finger on Dave's chest, "I should have you hanged!"

Dave's heart sank and he just stared at John, tears forming in his eyes.

John's rage suddenly dissipated when he saw Dave begin to cry, "Oh, oh my god what did I just say? No, no! I didn't mean it! I'm sorry! I'm just- I'm sorry!"
He wrapped his arms around Dave's torso and sobbed into his chest.
It always ends like this, Dave thought.

He tried to dry his tears and comfort John at the same time. It must've worked well enough because soon, John was standing on his own and he was donning his full body armor.

"What are you doing?" Dave asked.
"Going to find Karkat," John gritted his teeth and latched his sword on.

"What!? N-no! You're not going-"
Dave put his hand on John's chest and he looked up, pure rage clouded his eyes and he was breathing heavily.

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