Chapter 10

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**Don't forgt to vote and all that jazz! Haha. Hope you enjoy this chapter :)**

"Wow, this is a total mess!" I exclaim as I walk into the boys's bedroom. Zayn is sharing a room with his four bandmates, and not one spot of the floor is visible. 

"Yeah, Louis is the messiest," he laughs. 

"I'm guessing thats your bed," I point at one of the top bunks. There is two combs, some hair product, and a blow dryer. 

"Uh... yeah."

I begin to pick up some clothes from the floor and fold them, placing them on the bed. Zayn takes a seat on one of the bottom bunks, studying me as I clean. I am one of the most organized people I know, and a mess like this just needs to be cleaned up! 

"You don't have to clean up after us," he smiles. 

"I know, but this mess is really bothering me," I tell him. Zayns stands from the bed and walks over to me, wrappig his arms around my torso from behind.

"Stop cleaning," he breathes into the back of my neck, sending chills down my spine. I drop the t-shirt I'm holding and turn around to face him. 

Zayn tips my chin up with his finger so he can look me in the eyes. 

"You are so cute," he smiles. The compliment sends my heart racing a thousand million miles an hour and the butterflies inside me race around. Geez, how does this boy make me feel this way by just saying four words?

Instinctly, I lean a little closer to him and he does the same. Slowly, Zayn presses his lips to mine and I do the same to his. 

My insides explode in a colorful array of fireworks as I try and comprehend whats happening. 

Way too soon, he pulls away and I'm left standing a little dizzy. 

My eyes meet his and he grins. "You okay?" he asks.

"Better than ever," I reply and press my lips back onto his hungrily. He doesn't protest and kisses me back tenderly. 


Zayn and I both snap out heads towards the loud sound and see someone standing in the doorway to the room. I notice the silhouette- those big curls and broad shoulders.

"Harry!" Zayn exclaims.

"Uh... sorry. Am I interubting something?"

"No, its cool," Zayn tries to play if off. 

"Wait, aren't you Melody? You are that dancer we met a week ago! For the first live show.... right?"

"Yeah, thats me. Sorry we had to meet again like this," I giggle.

"Thats okay. So are you two... like an item?"

I don't answer that question, cause in truth, I don't know how. Zayn wrapps his arm around my waist and presses me to him.

"Uh, yeah."

"Oh okay. Cool." Yes, very cool. I think I may have a perminant smile plastered on my face for the rest of the day. 

"Does anyone else know about this?" Harry asks. 

"No," Zayn replies. 

"Okay... well, I'm gonna go now, leave you two alone," he winks at me and I feel Zayn pull me even closer. 

Harry leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

"Shit," Zayn mumbles, pulling away from me. He walks over to one of the bunk beds and sits down. 

"Whats wrong?" I ask, standing in front of him with my hands on my hips. 

"Our management doesn't want any of us to have girlfriends. Especially not me," he informs me. I raise an eyebrow at him curiously.

"Why?" I ask.

"They think its bad company. They want to label us all, and I'm supposed to my all mysterious and shit. They are willing to let Liam and Louis date as they went, Harry and Niall need their girlfriends approved, and I can't date at all. Its complete bullshit. If management find out, they will break us up."

Every muscle in my body goes weak and I feel completely defeated. How could they do that to him?

"I'm really sorry," I try and comfort him. "Can't we just try and keep it a secret?" I sit down next to him, and he takes my hand in his, intertwining our fingers.

"We can try. But its going to be really hard."

"Its worth it."

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