Chapter 11

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Zayn and I leave the contestants's house, making our way over to the dancer's house. Its pretty empty as most of the girls go to town or leave xfactor property on their days off. 

"So this is it," I tell Zayn, waving my arms up and down. "This is where I live." He looks the place up and down, probably taking mental note of how much cleaner it is than his house. "My room is upstairs. Dani and I share one. Do you want to see it?" I ask.

"Sure, that'd be cool." 

I take his hand and lead him up the stairs and into my room. 

"My bed is the one on the right, Dani's is the one on the left," I inform him. There is a couch in the middle of the room where we watch TV, and our desks are on the sides of the rooms at the feet of each of our beds. 

"Its nice," he says. 

"Yeah, I like it too," I reply proudly. All of a sudden Zayn's pocket begins to buzz and he pulls out his phone, answering it after reading the caller ID. 

"Hey dude."

Some iwehfwifhw on the other line.

"Yeah, cool."

Some more iwehfwifhw on the other line.

"So basically..." he is cut off as the other person speaks. 

"Alright mate."

Some more iwehfwifhw on the other line.

"See you soon. Bye." He ends the call, putting his phone back in his pocket. "That was Niall. The band is having a meeting in the common room in fifteen minutes. I need to be there."

"Okay," I reply, kind of dissapointed. I thought I would be able to spend the whole day with him.

"Do you want to come?" His question catches me by surprise, but I answer quickly.

"Sure!" I try and make it sound as least desperate as possible. 

Zayn and I exit the room and walk downstairs, walking out the house. He latches his fingers around mine, sending a shiver up my spine as we walk down the path to the main xfactor building. 

Once we enter the rather large common room, I see the rest of the boys have already taken a seat on the two black leather couches. 

"Hey guys," Louis smiles at us. We greet them and take a seat on one of the couches, opposite Niall, Louis, and Harry.

"Where is Liam?" Zayn asks. I didn't even realize he wasn't here. 

"He is coming soon. He was out to lunch with that girl again," Harry smirks, showing off his dimples. 

"That girl has a name," I speak up. "Danielle." Harry raises his hands in the air in deffence. 

As if on cue, Dani and Liam come walking in, laughing, and holding hands! I can't help but smile at the two of them. They are adorable. Period. 

Once Liam sees the rest of the guys, he lets go of her hand and puts it on the small of her back, leading her over to the couch we are sitting on. Danielle smiles at me, taking the seat to the left of me. 

"Well, it was nice of you two to bring... guests...." Louis says with a hint of sarcasm. "So... we need to talk about this girlfriend situation."

The tension in the room just rose about a thousand units. If not more. God, this is gonna be akward. Zayn places his hand on my knee as Harry winks at me. Fuck.

"I personally don't have a problem with any of us having girlfriends. Just puttin it out there," Niall says in a thick accent. I can't really make out where its from. 

"Me neither," Harry smirks. 

"Do any of us?" Louis asks. 

"No," all the guys say in unison. 

"Fuck management then," Louis exclaims. 

"I guess you are just going to have to be a secret," Zayn says, looking down at me. I nod my head. "Its unfiar though. While Liam gets bragging rights for having a girlfriend, I have to keep everything a secret. I don't get it." I hear the anger in his voice, and I feel terrible. 

"Its alright dude," Liam tries to comfort him.


When the meeting is done and the boys have discussed some "band" things, we all head out seperate ways. Zayn and I don't, duh. 

"So, what do you want to do now?" I ask him. I check my phone for the time and it reads 2:14pm. 

"I think I'm gonna head back to my room. I'll see you later." I think I spoke too soon about heading our seperate ways. 

"Uh, okay," I say a little dissapointed. Zayn leans down, planting his soft lips on mine for a second, then walking off. I decide to just go back to my room too, since there is nothing else to do really. 

**No cliffhanger! YAY! Comment below what you think of this story so far, and predictions of what is going to happen! Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. Don't forget to vote and all that... :)))**

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