Authors Note (Does anyone even read these or am i wasting my time idk)

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I mean uh..

Greetings fellow human...

Unless you're a squirrel, in which I have a special greeting for you.

Hi squirrels!

Ok, everyone listening? No one needs to randomly leave the theater? Great! Cause you're about to witness pure art.

And by pure art I mean whatever crazy ideas I have in my head that I decide to write out at 11:54 PM (which is what time it is right now...)

I should probably... nah I already warned you enough in the description.
And if you're super hipster and rebel and you didn't even READ the description well then let me tell you straight up you're a lot like me I love going in blind in some stories but NAH BRO you must go read the description. I don't like repeating myself!

Alright, you're back? Good! You kept everyone waiting because of how rebel you were. Whatever, it's fine, just take a seat near the back, I can't tell how crowded the theater is because of all the bright lights shining down on me like all the angels turned on strobe lights in Heaven and are currently pointing them all at me. I'm surprised I'm not blind yet tbh.

Ok. So I should start with an Introduction. A duction of intros as they don't say anywhere. I'm CertifiedDayDreamer_
Now unlike cool people who have cute abbreviations to their names like 'Epic' or 'Storm' or 'Snowdude'. I don't get non of that.
What are people going to call me? Day? Certified? _? Dreamer? CDD_?

Oh I should probably mention I ramble, a lot. I'm actually not like this in real life because I'm incredibly shy in real life. Hah, really funny right? But it's true.

... that isn't relevant

get used to my rambling, get popcorn, get comfortable, cause I ramble a lot, and half the time I don't make sense

Which is why I mentioned in the DESCRIPTION that a lot of what I'm writing will be random.

I'm not repeating myself anymore.

So yeah, either you have read this whole entire thing (in which case, you are an amazing person, you deserve a giant cake)
Or you skipped this chapter. If so then I honestly don't blame you.

Alright! It's now 12:05 AM and it's time to write! Hope you enjoy!

PS: I don't think there will be anything triggering in my stories, but I will mention at the top of the story if its triggering or not (just for you guys? Ok? <3 Cause I care about y'all!) I'll explain what might be triggering at the beginning of the chapter.

Love y'all lots!! Stay safe and stay alive frens |-/

-Whatever the heck you want to call me.

(12:08 AM..)

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