Ocean | Taken. (Poem)

71 2 1

Word count: 558
Written at 11:45 PM

The wind blew quickly
Across the blazing sand
It effected the entire beach
Changing tides changing land

The wind never ceased
As the sun slid below
The ever present horizon
I watch from a broken window.

Shattered months before
By a rock thrown too hard
A boy made his presence known
And sent written card.

It read, "Hello, do you remember me?
Do you remember all those walks we took to the sea?
Do you remember the vast sand and the ever changing land
Do you remember me? Do you remember me?"

I crack a smile that feels so foreign
As I lay the card face down
My heart skips a beat before growing heavy...
Until I hear a quiet sound.

A rock hit my window, but it didn't leave a dent
Probably because my window was already broken, from a similar old event.
I sighed and looked out the window towards my door
And I saw a pair of glowing eyes just how I saw them before.

His eyes were like the ocean that I lived right by
I couldn't tear my gaze away and to my surprise
Neither did the boy who cracked his own little smile
Causing my heart to skip a beat and my happiness to last awhile.

I ran outside my house, passing a broken TV
I barely noticed the news or the person absentmindedly
Reading the paper as his eyes, flickered back and forth
From the paper full of old stories of which I adored

I met the boy outside, he locked his gaze with me
He nodded and we both ran, knowing what we would see.
We didn't make it in time, the sun had already gone.
Behind a horizon that we can't reach, that we won't see again til dawn.

"Phil?" I whispered softly, my words barely a breath
Phil looked back at me and from the dying light left
I could see his little smile, as we remembered the years before
Back when oceans were all that mattered, and his eyes all I adored.


Now I sit in silence
I watch the TV in vain
Sometimes in the silence I almost hear
A boy call out my name.

He says "Don't turn away! Don't leave me alone,
Dont you remember all the times we met up at your home?
Together we conquered the world, nothing stood in our way.
As we watched the fading sun set behind the gentle waves."

And yet I left, against everything I knew
I left for something different, I left all that was true
I thought I could find a place for me in a different land
A world of bustling cars and a world without blazing sand.

I left the boy behind, to his eyes I said goodbye
And every day I spend away I believe I will surely cry
For I left my best friend and I cannot answer why
I would leave him behind to watch an empty sky.


I heard a sound, I didn't know if it was true
I rushed to my window, and immediately I knew.
And there was a man, his eyes an ocean blue.
He smiled and said, "Dan Howell, I wanted to say, I-"


And then I woke up.
And bitterly, I weep.
And before I even know it
I am Taken by Sleep.


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