Remember me. (Bitter Sweet).

143 3 0

Word count (not including this): 959
Written at 10:01 AM

I watched the rain pour down the window as I stared out into the horizon. I noticed dark clouds looming just above the majestic hills that rolled on and on seemingly for eternity. This storm would be over soon; but another was on it's way.
I sighed and closed my eyes, head in my hands, as I listened to the gentle pitter padder of the rain on my window. When I opened them again, I studied the streaks of water that cascaded down like currents in a large ocean. They were captivating, they drew you to watch them like a flame draws you to watch it. You get lost staring, and when you're mind is thinking of nothing in particular, that's when you are finally at peace.
I turned around immediately, knowing what to expect.
A man with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes met mine. The man had his hands clasped together as he nervously bit his lip. He wore a jellyfish shirt and jeans; just something casual. When I looked up at his eyes again, I could almost see a sad light in them, and in the sadness was pain... or maybe even desperation. I looked away, not wanting to meet eyes with the strange man anymore, instead I stared at the man's hair, swept in an fringe just like mine, ginger roots showing on the sides.
"Dan." The man said again, I couldn't figure out how this man knew my name, after all, I never gave it to him.
I decided not to answer, and instead look out the window.
It was silent, I couldn't tell if the man had left or not, but I did not want to look back.

Soon the storm that I was watching passed and a little bit on sunlight peeked through some stray clouds.
Sighing thoughtfully, I turned around, and noticed the man was gone. I looked around my dull room, not really caring about the details of it. It was bland and boring, a simple creaky bed lied close by in the corner next to my window, a night stand lied next to my bed, topped off with a lamp. A door near the nightstand lead to the bathroom, and on the other side of the room was a dresser. The furniture was a dull brown color and the blankets and sheets were a dull white. The walls were a dull blue and the flooring was a dull brown. Dull dull dull. Everything in my room was dull.
But, the window wasn't dull.
The land outside wasn't dull.
The clouds weren't dull
The rain wasn't dull.
I liked watching the rain that comes by every so often.
Dan never thought twice about why he was in this dull room or why the man came every day to only call his name twice. In fact, these thoughts never crossed his mind.

When I lied down in bed, the second storm struck, the pitter pattering against my window had been joined with booming thunder. I closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep.


"You said he would get better"

"Sir, yes, but there's also a high chance that he..."

"Won't get better. You tell me that every time."

"I'm sorry"

I pretended to be asleep as I overheard a conversation from outside of my room. I couldn't help eavesdropping, the walls must be very thin.
Who were they talking about? Certainly not me, after all I was perfectly healthy.

I heard a heavy sigh outside my door. A knock soon sounded, and then it was silent.
I opened my eyes to slits as I saw a man with jet black hair walk over to the side of my bed and sit down next to it. I decided to pretend to be asleep.

"Dan..." the man whispered, "I'm sorry." I could hear him crying, but I didn't know what made him cry.
"Dan, if.. i-if you can somehow hear me, please.. try to remember, try to think. You always look back at me every single day when I visit you and sometimes I swear I can see your eyes light up as if you remember me... the Doctors and nurses don't think you'll ever remember... b-but I believe y-you can. P-please Dan.."
I watched the man drop his head into his hands and cry a little. Not bearing to see him like this I reach my hand up and gently placed it on the man's shoulder.
The man looked up, his eyes still wet with tears as he stared back at my now open eyes. We locked our eyes together.
I got out of bed and as I stood up, I was almost immediately met with a giant hug. I don't know why, but I hugged him back.
"Do you remember Dan?" The man asked, his voice full of hope.
"Remember? What is there to remember... who are you-" I said but stopped short, the man stiffened slightly and drew away. I don't know why, but that made me sad.
"I'm.. I'm sorry for bothering you.." the man stuttered as he started to walk away.

I didn't cry out "Wait!" I didn't try to grab his passing hand to try and stop him. I let him exit the room, not knowing what had just happened, or why I embraced a complete stranger.


Months Later


I stared out the window, watching the snow as it lightly fell down past my window, there wasn't anything quite like it. Each and every snowflake was slightly different but all the same beautiful. Just like people.
And one person wouldn't leave my mind.
The man with jet black hair, and although it has been months since his last visit...

 I remembered.

I remembered who he was.

My best friend...



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