CAT-ASTROPHIC (Adorable and Fluff)

123 5 1

Word count (not including this):
Written at 11:15 AM

"PHIL!?" Dan shouted in shock. He couldn't believe what he saw.
Thousands and thousands of cats were all in the lounge. Many were just chilling and sleeping on the couch but all the rest of them were frolicking around being adorable and kawaii.
Phil peeked his head around Dan and gasped, his nose twitching almost immediately from trying to hold back a sneeze, "How did they all get in here!?" He shouted over all the meowing and general kawaii-ness.
Phil sneezed *bless you* and frantically looks around, "Where will we take them?? We don't even know where they came from!"
Dan grabbed Phil be the shoulders and shook him lightly, "We can't focus on where they came from! We have to focus on getting them out of here before 12:00! It's 11:30 Phil. 11:30!!!!"
Phil grabbed Dan by the shoulders, "We have thirty minutes! We need to think of a way to-" he paused and sneezed *bless you*, "A way to get the cats out of our apartment as quickly as we can!"
"Should we call animal control!?" Dan shouted.
"They will take too long to get here!"
"Maybe we should lead them all outside!"
"But they might get hurt on the streets, and plus that would look really weird from the outside if a tsunami of cats poured out of our house."
"Maybe we should check to see if they have collars to see who they belong to!"
"Ok!" Phil shouted back and picked up the nearest cat, it was jet black and had blue eyes. "This one doesn't have a collar."

"Neither does this one." Dan said while holding a brown tabby with amber eyes.

SpongeBob narrator voice: 15 Minutes Later.

"I don't think any of the cats have collars.." Phil said after he and Dan had spent 15 minutes checking every cat.

"Well that's just great.." Dan says as he checks the clock, "Phil wE HAVE FIFTEEN MINUTES!!"

"What are we going to do???" Phil cried out.

"I don't know!"

Phil sneezed again. *Bless you*

Dan looked around frantically, "Maybe we should call someone for advice!!" He grabbed the phone and quickly phoned his Mum.

Phil heard a voice come from the phone, "Dan? Hello?"

Dan tried to sound calm and collected on the phone, "Hey, Mum. Just wondering, Phil and I kind of need to know.. what would you do if there were thousands of cats in your apartment and people were coming over to inspect the flat in OHHHHHH.." Dan checks the time, "Ten minutes."

There was a laugh, "Dan are you trying to pull my leg again?"

"No no no! Mum I'm being serious-"

"Uh huh! Thousands of cats! Is this another prank like with the bat that was supposedly flying around in your bathroom?"

"No no no no no.. lets just say there are thousands of cats in the apartment. What do I do??"

"Well I would call the bloody animal control if you're being serious."

"I told you we should of called Animal Control!" Dan whisper-yelled to Phil. "There isn't time, the inspectors will be here in 7 minutes."

"Oh. Sorry I don't know how to help you.. perhaps move them into a room the inspectors won't inspect?"

"Ok we will try that, thanks mum" Dan says hastily.

"No problem Swee-" Dan quickly hung up and looked back at the clock,



"What if the inspectors come early??"

"Phil! Quick we need to-"

There, over all the meowing and kawaii-ness, was a knock on the door.

Dan and Phil quickly ran to the door and took a deep breath before opening it.

"Hello there Mr Howell and Mr Lester, I'm here to inspect your fla-"

But he never got to finish his sentence.

Suddenly, thousands of cats swarmed out past Dan and Phil and down the stairs.

The man stared in shock, not saying a word until the last cat scampered out.

"Mr Howell and Mr Lester, you do know there is a strongly enforced rule that clearly states that there are to be NO animals kept in the apartments at all?? Let alone a whole tsunami of cats??"

Dan gulped, "W-we can explain..."

"The cats just came out of nowhere! We left our apartment for two hours and when we got back, there were.." Phil looked like he was going to sneeze but didn't, "There were cats everywhere!"

"Everywhere!" Dan agreed

"Yes everywhere-"




"Uh Dan.."


"I get the point!" The man shouted angrily, "There were cats EVERYWHERE. I get it! I'm going to have to inspect your apartment to see if you broke any more rules, unintentionally or not." The man pushed past Dan and Phil and began the inspection.

They both looked at each other at the exact same time, "Will they kick us out of the flat?" "Will the cats be ok?" They say at the exact same time.

It was some time before the inspector walked back over to Dan and Phil, "Well Mr Howell and Mr Lester, I believe I'll let you off the hook this time. But only this time. When I come back I expect there to be NO cats. You got it?" Dan and Phil let out a sigh of relief.


Later that night, Dan and Phil were both sat on the couch watching anime when Phil sneezed again *Bless you*. "We should probably vacuum up all the cat fur off the couch" Dan commented when Phil sneezed again.
"Where's my 'Bless you'?" Phil laughed.
"You've been sneezing so much i ran out of 'Bless You's" Dan joked, "At least there aren't any more cats in the flat".

Little did they both know that two cats were still in the apartment snuggled up on a blanket, a black one and a brown tabby.

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