Lemonade (Kid AU)

69 1 0

June 20th 2000 

(au where both dan and phil were born in 1987)

(I'm back! Sorry for not updating for awhile, I hope you like this one shot, I had a ton of fun writing it!)

"Lemonade! Lemonade!" Phil cries loudly at the passing cars and pedestrians. "Come get some fresh ice cold lemonade!"

"This isn't gonna work" Dan grumbled, sitting behind the duo's makeshift lemonade 'stand' on a plastic chair. "We've been sitting out here for an hour and only one person bought some lemonade for their dog".

"At least the dog appreciated our lemonade then" Phil tried to stay positive, looking back at his best friend playing the brand new Pokemon Yellow game on his gameboy, "Maybe if we both participated in advertising our lemonade then people will buy!" 

Dan looked up and rolled his eyes, "How will two kids shouting at people to buy squeezed lemon juice be better than only one? It will just drive possible customers away."

Phil grinned and pulled out a stack of papers he had been hiding under the box- I mean stand. "Plan B!" He exclaims and plops the stack right in front of Dan. 

Dan perks up an eyebrow and stares at Phil questionably, "Plan B?" Phil nods, "You're gonna be passing out flyers!" 

Dan widens his eyes, "No way! I can't pass out flyers. Passing out flyers means awkward extended eye contact with random strangers who will either take the paper out of pity for me or straight up say no and continue on with their life... I didn't sign up for this!" He adds, as Phil picks up the stack of paper and plops it into Dan's arms, "Come on, it will work. Just stand over there on the opposite side of the street and hand out as many flyers as you can" He pushes Dan across the road as he lays out the instructions.

Dan gives Phil a glare before straightening the papers in his arms, and looking up at the passing people around him. Intimidated by the thought of having to clear his throat and ask someone if they wanted to take a flyer, Dan takes a deep breath and backs up. I'm only doing this this one time for Phil and that is it. Think of the end goal Dan, think of the new bikes both you and Phil will be able to ride where ever we want. Just pass out the stupid flyers. 

Dan looks up and notices a woman walking down the pavement, don't be too hasty, don't scare her off, use some of that good ol' Dan charm. He half grins and steps in the way of the woman, who looks very surprised and annoyed at the sight of a pre-teen standing in her way.

"Hey there, you look hot" Dan says with a smirk

The woman's eyes widen as she gasps and hurries past Dan.

Dan starts to panic, "No no! I didn't mean it like that! Wait! I meant you should try some of my friend and I's lemonade because it's a hot day!

"No business for you!" The woman angrily shouts back as she marches off.

Way to go Dan

He then notices a man walking down the same pavement with a dog, he looks like he isn't in a hurry to be anywhere important. Phil owes me big time for this.

Dan takes a deep breath and steps in the way of the strolling man, holding out a flyer, "Hey there. Want some lemonade? It's-" suddenly the dog starts barking like crazy, scaring Dan half to death. He jumps out of the way as the dog continues to bark. "Ah, sorry, I forgot my wallet back home, um, sorry" the man coughs and begins dragging the still barking dog as he walks off. "At least take a flyer!" Dan calls after him, but doesn't hear a reply back.

Dan groans and looks down at the stack of papers he has yet to give away. Already two people have gotten past him, this wasn't looking so good.

Looking up to see if Phil has had better luck, Dan is shocked to see his best friend leaning back in HIS chair, playing HIS copy of Pokemon Yellow  on HIS gameboy! Right when Dan is about to march over to Phil to ask him what the heck he is doing, an old lady bumps into him, causing him to fall and have all the flyers literally go EVERYWHERE. (Everywhere. Literally Everywhere)

"Oh I'm so so sorry!" The old lady exclaims as she watches Dan scramble to pick up the flyers before the wind carries them all away, which is exactly what it does. "i really do need to watch where I am going... hey is that a lemonade stand? Charles, Charles. CHARLES." she shouts at the man who was stopping to smell the roses behind her, "Charles that sweet young man is selling some lemonade over there. Let's go get some." the old lady hurries over to Phil. "I'ma comin' dear" the old man named Charles pipes up as he hobbles after his speeding wife.

Dan holds onto the somewhat crumpled flyer in his hands, watching as the rest of the flyers fly off with the wind. This was not his day. The only thing that could make it worse was if it began to rain.

He quickly looks up at the sky to make sure he didn't jinx anything before going back to miserably pondering over how either of them will ever get bikes when he cant even hand out a stupid piece of paper without accidentally hitting on people, almost getting mauled to death by dogs, or tripping over old ladies. In fact, how will he ever make money after college? What kind of job will he have? He will probably end up as a sad drive through window person handing out food to ungrateful people who try to order things not even on the menu but demand it anyway and who get extra angry when they get three slices of lettuce on their burgers instead of four and ask to see the manager, and then end up suing the restaurant causing it to shut down and having Dan become homeless. Either that or become a lawyer. Which he will probably fail at too. Oh boy.

Suddenly hearing loud commotion, Dan snaps out of his irrational thinking and, to his surprise, sees a large group of old people all gathered around his and Phil's lemonade stand!

"What is going on?" Dan exclaims to himself, quickly checking both ways before running across the road to the other side (safety daniel).

Phil is handing out lemonade after lemonade while being given big wads of cash by the customers that he stuffs into the already overflowing old toy cash register they brought along. All that comes out of Phil's mouth is a string of "thank you's" while the old people walk off. 

Dan watches in surprise as the last elderly person walks off with their ice cold lemonade. Phil suddenly takes notice of Dan, "Hey Dan! Guess what? We are a quarter way to reaching out goal!" He holds up the stuffed cash register with a big smile.

"Where did all these people come from?" Dan exclaims, sitting back down behind the box. I mean stand.

"Well, an elderly couple came over and asked for some lemonade, they must of liked it soooo much that they invited all the people in their retirement home to get lemonade!"

"That's great!" Dan exclaimed.

"Though, for earning the rest of the money, maybe we should do a different job, we just got lucky with the elderly people" Phil said, looking up at the sky for a moment. 

As if on cue, a giant raindrop falls on Phil's face, causing him to squeak and jump back. 

Maybe Dan did jinx it after all.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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