I'm sorry...

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4 weeks until the anual Winter Ball. I was quiet surprised. I never got a day I just went to wreck the olace but I'm there with Matt this year. What if I'm not good looking in a suit. Maybe I shouldn't go. But he wants tom and Damian already knows. What do I do.

I was broken from my thoughts as Matt jumped ontop of me smiling. "I'm getting a suit and so at you for the ball. Alright?" I said rubbing my neck. "Yeah. Alright fine." He nuzzeled my neck I blushed as I start running his stomach in a clock wise motion. His tail and leg began to jump and away side to side. I chuckled and pinch his cheek. "I love you you dork." I say kissing him before moving back. "Come on a have to go to school. Get dressed." I told him getting up and put my bracelets on along with my handkerchief. I waited at the door with my bag for Matt.

When we arrived at school I said goodbye to Matt waiting for lunch to see him again. I went through the classes like it was nothing. I smiled through our the day I didn't draw for once or vandalized the school. It was a pep rally going on and on my way there I was pushed to the lockers and ganged up by the football team. I looked around wide in my eyes. And of course the one holding me is Damian. I winced when he lifts me up from the ground.

"Hey there pipsqueak." He grinned hitting me in my stomach. "Break up with him. Come on you fag." He kept licking me in my side the others holding me down so I didn't run. "Come on. You wanted to date me first." I spat at his face hitting his eye. He growled and kicked me harder than before breaking a rib it felt like it. "I'm not going to repeat myself after this Lexford. Break. Up. With. Him." I gritted his teeth. I looked up at him getting a spray can from my bag and sprayed it in his eyes the others moving back. I threw marbles on the floor and put some pam down to slow then down. I always know how to get away from the police so I carry the stuff around.

I was chased around their team losing single person by person when I threw stuff at them. Before I could do anything Damian tackled me to the floor and the next thing I knew he broke my arm. He cried ok in pain as he chuckled. "Well looky here. I wonder what took so long to break." I started to cry. It hurt so much. I couldn't move. He got up looking at me and spat at his face. "Serves you right." He said running away. People doin me on the floor as someone called 911 and rushed me to the hospital. I'm the way there I felt like my arm wasn't there. I couldn't feel it. I blinked and bit my lip to stop the whimpering. I couldn't breath right.

I was rushed inside as I was out in sleep it felt like I was going to die. When I was asleep all I could think about was Matt and Damian. What if he hurts Matt. What if I'm not there. What if he already did like me. Then I thought about Damian. What if i did say yes. What I he wouldn't hurt him. I thought of what we would have been I he actually said yes to me those two years ago.

I felt my body weak. I was surronded by darkness. I couldn't breath. I held my breath before I knew it I was starting at the ceiling. I felt adaze and tired. I squinted my eyes trying to sit up. I felt texture in one hand but I'm the other it sounded like metal. I looked at it and it was made out of medal. I nearly screams before covering my mouth. I saw Matt and his dad were there. I wanted to cry. "Stay calm. It's fine. Your fine. Your alive and your still with your boyfriend." I said trying to not make it any worse.
"Morning beauty." I heard Matt say from his chair looking at me. "Heh..." He got up giving me a tight hug and started to cry. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry I wasn't there. To protect you. To hold you. I'm sorry..." He said his tears falling to my lap. I rubbed his back and smiled. "Im not forgiving you because you have nothing to be sorry for. it's my fault. I promise you that you couldn't do anything. It's okay Mathew." I said ribbon his cheek as he started at my hand. "Hey it's fine. I am still alive. I'm still here. I'll always be here." I told him kissing him lightly. It was loving and caring. His dad being himself took a picture. I rolled my eyes. "Jesus Maxie. Again?" I chuckled before sitting up looking at my hand.

It was from the elbow down so basically like a gauntlet. I sighed messing around with it. It was sort of like it was from a video game. I moved my fingers poking at them. It was greyish purple. It was nice color but still doesn't help that it's metal. I looked around. "Can I leave yet?" I asked Matt. "Oh right let me call the doctor to check on you." He said editing the room as I turned to Maxie. "Hey to long have I been out?" "I think a week now?" I was surprised it only felt like 10mins.i sighed rubbing my neck. "Great I'm the freak with the metal hand now." I chuckled trying to make the best ok I this.

At the door the doctor was there looking at me. I smiled waving at him. "I see your in high spirits. I'm sorry you lost your hand but it was too broken to fix so we had to give you that. Your medical records say your healthy and no disease. Your able to leave whenever you want to. We hope you have a good day." He told me as I just got up putting my clothes on and hugged Matt. "Well you know which hand in using to finger you now don't you." I grinned wiggling my eyebrows before he looked at the medal hand whimpering slightly. I chuckled patting his back. My right side feels so much heavier with this shit on. I rolled my eyes. I guess I'll have to get use to this now.

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