Chapter-1 new class with a lie

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New school, new life. Well not really new school more like new year.
Unfortunately I'm not in the same class as my eight Unnies.

We were outside in the campus since school didn't start yet, the nine of us were sitting in the bench eating our breakfast.

I couldn't get my mind off, because I really wanted to be in the same class as them.

"Seobaby, don't be sad I'm pretty sure next year we will be in the same class."Taeyeon-Unnie said trying to cheer me up, since I had that sad face.

"But, with who am I supposed to talk when you eight are all in the same class?"I asked worriedly because, I'm a really typical shy girl.

"You can come to us in the break or we will visit you."Tiffany-Unnie said.

"Or you're going to make friends there, don't be scared to talk with new people."Taeyeon-Unnie said.

"But how?"I asked worriedly.

"Just talk with them about any specific topic, for example for your age they all talk about boys."Yoona-Unnie said.

"But she prefers goguma then boys."Jessica-Unnie said, it's true if I would need to choose between boys or goguma.

Goguma would win.

The school bell suddenly rang, which means new semester class.


"Seohyun you can do it, just talk with them and get in one of these girls group."Jessica-Unnie said.

I nodded, and we separated I went to my classroom which is in the first floor the other girls basically Yuri-Unnie , Yoona-Unnie, Sooyoung-Unnie and hyoyeon-Unnie are in one class.

Taeyeon-Unnie, Tiffany-Unnie and Jessica-Unnie are in one class while I'm alone.

When I went inside I already saw that they have their own groups.
W..What am I supposed to do?!

Suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder I turned and saw a pretty girl.

"Hello, I'm Choa would you like to talk with us?"She said and I nodded, yay! New friend, at least I didn't need to do the first step.

I followed her and sat beside choa.

"Annyeonghaseo, Seoyeon imnida."I said in a polite tone an they laughed.
I didn't know why so I laughed with them.

I took my pencil case out and put it on the desk.

"I'm suzy and this is seolhyun."Another pretty girl said and I smile at her.

"So as I was saying, my boyfriend just broke up with me last month. He said that he has a different taste now. What an asshole."Suzy said angrily and broke a pencil. Which made my eyes big.

"Mianhe,."She said because, the pencil belongs to me well,.. Not anymore since it's broken.

"No,..I mean it's fine because, you needed something for your anger."I said and fake smiled I'm not angry at her, I just loved that pencil because, it was my kerero one.

"As for me I'm waiting for him to ask me to be his girlfriend, we already had some dates or at least only 3."Choa said, but also sounding angry at the same.

"And I'm pretty sure you and Jongki are still fine like last year."Suzy said and she nodded.

"What about you Seohyun?"Suzy asked me, and I had my mouth opened.

"Sorry what?"I asked.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"She asked me, and I bit my lip.

"Of course she wouldn't have one, Seohyun looks uninterested to boys."Seolhyun said, wait what does she mean?

"What do you mean, with uninterested?"I asked in a confused but polite tone.

"We were in the same class two year ago, and you preferred goguma over boys."Seolhyun said, and I had round eyes.

Oh,.. This was her, the girl who had a lot of admires back. She still remembers me?

"Oh,.. It's you Seolhyun."I said with a surprised look and she smiled at me.

"Still the same old Seohyun who loves kerero, and would prefer goguma over boys."She said, and we explained them everything.

"So about my question?"Suzy asked and raised her arm.

"Seohyun would never ever get in a relationship."Seolhyun laughed, and I looked at her.

"Since you've already said it, Seohyun really looks like it."Suzy said and looke at me.

Does it mean they think I would never ever get in a relationship?

"Imagine Seohyun coming to the prom with gogumas."Choa joked and they all laughed except me.


"Or in the future if we will see her, us having children while she's still single eating goguma."Suzy said and they laughed and I had that poker face.

"Yah! I have a boyfriend."I said to them in an anger tone.

Aish?! What the hell did I just say?

"Really what's his name?"They asked me, in a supposed tone.,..

I looked around and saw a drawing of a Park.

"His last name is...ehrm,..Park."I said trying to sound not nervous.

"Do you have a picture of him?"Suzy asked me excitedly and I shook.

"I forgot my phone at home, so ehm,.. Yeah."I said phew good that I said that.

"Show us his picture tomorrow."They said, and I nodded awkwardly.

"Yeah, sure."I said Aigo, Seohyun what have you done to yourself?

After school

I went to the hallway and put my books inside, and waited outside the school. Luckily it's only 4pm. The other Unnies also ended their class. Because after school we, planned to go drink Bubble tea.

But why does it take them that long?

I suddenly got a message from Taeyeon-Unnie.

From: Taeyeon-Unnie

Seobaby, we're 15 minutes late because, Yuri lost her locker key in the classroom. Let's just meet each other in the bubble tea store :)

I read the sms and sent her 'Ok :)'

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