Just a nightmare

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I rip my eyes open and jump up. I'm bathed in sweat.

It was a dream......just a dream.

I sit up on the side of my bed and stare to the ground.

''Fuck...this shit is haunting me!''

I rub my eyes as I turn on my phone to check the time. The glaring display made it impossible to look at it at first. 05:58

I lay back down even though I have to get up in 10 minutes. My hands are placed on my face as I let out a loud sigh.

''Fuck!'' This nightmare. It makes me sick! If only it was nothing more than just a nightmare...

10 minutes have past and my alarm rang. I turned it off and got up.

The room was still dark after opening the window. It's September, what else could I expect?! I'm groping my way to the bathroom and turn the light on in there.

I look like a mess. My black hair is scraggly and my eyes are underlined with dark eye-bags. Not even a cold shower and 100 mugs of coffee could make them dissapear. They really are worse than usualy.

After taking a shower I walk back to my room with a towel rapped around my hips and take some clean clothes out of my wardrobe. Simple as always, black shirt and black jeans. My hair is still wet so I decide to have something to drink before I take care of it.

The water is boiling. I lean against the small kitchen table and check my phone for new messages and like always I didn't get any. Well, I wouldn't know who would make the effort to stay in contact with me, I don't even know if someone has my number anyway.

I poured the hot water into a mug and waited for it to cool down so I could drink the tea I had prepared with it.

So today is the day I'm going to visit my new School for the first time. I'm not sure how to feel about it. So many people, annoying loud teenagers to be more accurate.

''Maybe it'll be good for me to get to know some new people....'' I mumble before I took a sip and put my phone down. I never really got along well with other people in my age. They always think I'm mean and arrogant 'cause I don't like to talk and if I say something then it's something insulting. I can't help myself. Some people are just to stupid to handle. I'm an honest person and if someone's got a problem with it then it's their issue and not mine.

My hair was dry so I went to the bathroom and combed it. The dark circles under my eyes weren't that bad anymore. I took a close look at my face for a while.


I packed my bag with all the school suplies that I would need and took some money for food. My black converse were already tighed to my feet as I put on my leather jacket.

Everything is packed and I'm ready to head out. I opened the door and went to the tram station.

Make my nightmares dissappear (Ereri Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now