Chapter 6

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I woke up, today was the day I get my pay check and leave this awful place.  As I started to pack up my stuff, or lack there of... I looked around and smiled. I would not miss this place one bit. I got done packing up my stuff and went up stairs to the living room and watched some tv and also made some breakfast. Eating on the couch sitting in my (f/c) (onesie/ normal pj's) I heard cars quietly pass as I watched a random channel, soon I had fallen asleep .... Again.
    I woke up to a loud beeping, shouting ,and a thud or two . I looked up and around confused on what was happening. I got up in panic thinking someone was breaking in, I ran to the window looking outside. What I saw horrified me, it was....

A/n cliff hanger
Sorry not sorry word count 152

Shadow Bonnie x Reader discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now