Chapter 8

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A/n I drew this myself :D

It.... was shadow Bonnie!
I looked up at him my pupils dilated, I looked normal in my opinion. Ripped clothes, small, dilated (e/c) eyes, and finally mud mud everywhere. He ...... he looked worried, I've never had that look given to me.... worry Maybe even pity, not even sure.

Shadow Bonnie's pov
I saw a blob outside, I went to get a closer look, looking to see what it was. Realizing that it was (y/n), I ran outside after alerting the others. I ran out and stood in front of her about to pick her up, she looked up at me her (e/c) eyes looked dead. Pupils dilated and looked scared of being hurt more than her fragile body is. I picked her up and went inside, I alerted the others earlier but they never believe me anyway or until I brought her in. They swarmed her as she just grumbled wanting to be put down or wanting to sleep after a run she keeps mentioning. I set her down with a sigh, she mumbled a thank you as she fell asleep on the booth.

(Y/n)'s pov
I was picked up, half asleep I didn't care I knew it wasn't my family so it didn't matter. I was set down on a booth as a swarm surrounded me. Yelling surrounded me as I faded into the black known as the dream world..

A/n so question would you guys like to see a dream/nightmare chapter? If so comment down below and let me know. The art in this chapter belongs to me, also please specify if you would like a nightmare or dream. Thanks and see you all later
Word count 294

Shadow Bonnie x Reader discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now